Home » Entertainment » Young Journalist Berenice Lobatón Embarks on New Taurine TV Venture at 21 Years Old

Young Journalist Berenice Lobatón Embarks on New Taurine TV Venture at 21 Years Old

At 21 years old, Berenice Lobatón has more than clear ideas. The daughter of Paco Lobatón and Mari Pau Domínguez, with a journalistic vocation inherited from her parents, two of the great figures of communication in Spain, has just presented a project of which she feels deeply proud and that she will combine with the latest subjects What do you have left to finish? his production studies at the RTVE institute.

“Since I was seventeen when I started working with Manuel Campo Vidal I have been immersed in many projects… When I was 18 I created my digital magazine and started working with Eugenia Silva, I have led productions and interviews in different media such as this one where I did the report on Rocío Laffón, I have presented an intergenerational congress with RTVE and a podcast, directed two documentaries…”. A very brilliant career for his young age in which, however, he regrets, “Even so, I still have the label of “daughter of” on many occasions,” she confesses to Vanitatis.

However, this time is different. “It is the first time that I truly feel that this opportunity is a consequence of my effort constant and daily without other factors involved.”

We talk about his new adventure with the taurine television platform One Toro TV, which just a few days ago launched its new programming in which, to the surprise of many, the presence of Berenice as host of one of its new spaces stood out. “A few weeks ago Ignacio Moreno, one of the directors of One Toro TV, contacted me. He surprised me because although I have always claimed the power of our generation, I had never done it in relation to bullfighting”, he assures in conversation with Vanitatis.

“They explained to me that that was precisely why they loved me, because They were looking for a profile that was young, female and not so closely related to the sector. to create an innovative and different program format whose objective was to also include young people and give them their place.” And he didn’t think about it. She quickly said yes and in just a few days she will begin to land all the ideas that have been in her thoughts since they called her.


We spoke with Berenice Lobatón: “Being a ‘daughter of’ doesn’t make it easy for you, my last name is a responsibility”

Patricia Izquierdo

“One Toro has decided to invest in a new space and I am very happy that they thought of me. I will have the help of Ignacio de la Puerta in direction and there are young girls on the team like María López de Arce who will lead the networking part. It is not only important that young people participate in front of the cameras, but also behind them,” she assured, boasting of a team that she will rely on in this leap she is about to take.

As for his program, he still cannot give us many clues, although he does assure that he was given “maximum freedom”, They trusted his ideas and freshness and gave him free rein to develop the idea. “This is how “Generation T” was born, and we will start recording very soon.”

My goal is to leave aside the bullfighter as a figure and show him as a person, For this, the program will consist of three parts: one in which I interview the bullfighter, another where I join him with three young people (some not related to the world of bullfighting) with whom he will sit down to talk and a final part where The bullfighter will meet a special guest with whom the program will close. But In each chapter there will be a bullfighter as the protagonist and common thread and through it diverse and interesting meetings will be generated.”

To do this, he will have some exceptional friends and acquaintances, such as the bullfighter Andrés Roca Rey. “For me, having someone so close to me who has such clear ideas, such discipline, who has never stopped fighting for his dream and left everything to achieve it is an inspiration and I feel lucky to have him as a friend.”

It has not been his only support. Elena Salamanca, Tana Rivera, Joserra Lozano or Rafa Camino Jr. They are some of the well-known faces who have advised Berenice about the exciting world that now unites them.

“I hope that the project is valued beyond the labels or the controversy that the topic may entail, I approach it from the deepest naturalness and with great enthusiasm.” A new adventure for which we wish you all the luck in the world.

At 21 years old, Berenice Lobatón has more than clear ideas. The daughter of Paco Lobatón and Mari Pau Domínguez, with a journalistic vocation inherited from her parents, two of the great figures of communication in Spain, has just presented a project of which she feels deeply proud and that she will combine with the latest subjects What do you have left to finish? his production studies at the RTVE institute.

2024-02-26 08:04:05
#Berenice #daughter #Paco #Lobatón #leap #television #bulls #freedom #famous #friends #Roca #Rey

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