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Young Future Congress 2024: Event will feature more than 30 exhibitors, music, science and art

This Thursday the fifth version of the Youth Future Congress 2024an event that combines science with live music and art, and features more than 30 exhibitors with the aim of promoting the participation of young people in building a more sustainable and inclusive future.

At the opening of the event, which will take place this Thursday and Friday in person in Santiago and virtually in congresofuturo.clPresident Gabriel Boric was present, accompanied by the Minister of Science, Aisén Etcheverry, on which occasion they highlighted the importance of this Congress as an important space for the participation of young people.

The president recalled that “the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation allocated $550 million last year to advance in this area, which meant a 10% increase in spendingbut we still have a long way to go. In the United Arab Emirates they had a Ministry of Artificial Intelligence. In Chile, until recently, there was no Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. We have to give it more strength and Minister Aisén Etcheverry is working hard on this.”

“What we cannot ignore, regardless of our differences, is critical thinking. I would like to invite you, especially young people, not to abandon it and to use instances like these to help you think and take the time to stop.” Gabriel Boric, President of the Republic.

Boric stressed that Chile currently has the first PhD in Artificial Intelligence in all of Latin America at the University of Concepción. “In technical-professional education, the Ministry of Science, together with Chile Valora, are building profiles that can certify people with knowledge in artificial intelligence and that this is valued in work in technical profiles. In Chile there is a misconception that the professional is the only thing that is valued and the technical is of a lower category and that does not have to be so. I believe that this progress that is being made in incorporating new technologies into curricular recognition and the assessment of this will help reduce this imbalance,” said the President.

Scope of the Youth Future Congress

This Congress considers talks focused on intergenerational dialogue and the youth experiencephysical and virtual participation spaces, the role of young people in areas such as sport, innovation and recreation, and the importance of coexistence in society.

It will also focus on topics such as the use of social media and mental health, work in the future, job prospects, remote work, innovative work platforms, formal and informal education and the role of young people in social participation.

It is worth noting that the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation increased public spending on resources by 10%, which have contributed to the development of:

  • Advanced robotics center in Valparaíso.
  • First PhD in AI in Latin America in the Biobío Region.
  • Future AI center in Arica that will operate solely with renewable energy.
  • Creating profiles for AI accreditation in technical-professional education.

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