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Young driver insurance: all you need to know

All drivers must legally benefit from at least one civil liability insurance, possibly supplemented by optional guarantees. But insurance companies consider young drivers to be more at risk, resulting in a price that is sometimes significantly higher. Here is everything you need to know about young driver insurance!

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???? What insurance for a young driver?

L’expression young driver has no real legal definition in the highway code. We generally consider that we are young drivers as long as we are in temporary license, that is to say 3 years or 2 years after accompanied driving.

Insurance companies use this period to apply a surprime to young drivers. But insurers can also consider a young driver a motorist who has not been insured for more than 3 years or who has had his license for more than 3 years but has never been insured, as well as drivers who have had their driving license canceled. .

This additional cost of car insurance for a young driver is explained by a risk of loss higher. Concretely, insurers consider that a young driver is more likely to have a car accident than a more experienced motorist.

Not all insurances apply this additional premium to the young driver, but few do not.

The amount of this additional young driver premium is added to the normal insurance rate, which depends in particular on the vehicle. The increase changes every year, unless you are involved in an accident for which you are responsible. It evolves as follows:

  • First year: up to 100% increase;
  • Second year (without claim for which you are responsible): up to 50% increase;
  • Third year (without claim for which you are responsible): up to 25% increase.

Young drivers who have gone through accompanied driving see this increase halved, so that it is 50% the first year of 25% the second and 12,5% the third. A young driver is also affected by the bonus / penalty system which is added to this additional premium.

A young driver is legally obliged to take out at least one third party insurance, also called public liability. This covers material damage and bodily injury that could be caused to a third party during a responsible accident.

The other guarantees are optional. These are for example the broken glass guarantee, the fire and theft guarantee or even all-risk insurance. They depend in particular on your vehicle: thus, most young drivers have a first used car whose value does not require comprehensive insurance. But in the case of a new vehicle, it is better to favor it without hesitation.

Young driver or not, the choice of your insurance is made primarily according to your vehicle and the way you want to protect it. Note that the price of insurance also varies depending on the car: a more powerful vehicle costs more, for example. So do not hesitate to do simulations and quotes!

???? How much does a young driver’s insurance cost?

young driver insurance price

The price of car insurance depends on the profile of the driver and the vehicle itself: its model, engine, power or even the year it was put into service. In addition, this amount also varies of course depending on the guarantees subscribed.

As a young driver, you must also add to the initial premium an increase which can go up to up to 100% the first year. This is however two times less if you have gone through accompanied driving. On average, the price of a young driver’s insurance is around 1200 €.

The price of a young driver’s insurance is generally included between 1000 and 1500 € by car and equal guarantees. The price varies between insurers, so it is worth using a auto insurance comparator or ask for quotes before taking out to pay your young driver insurance less expensive.

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⏱️ Young driver insurance: how long?

how long young driver insurance

Insurers consider you a young driver 3 years after obtaining your driver’s license, which corresponds to the duration of your probationary period. If you passed the license after accompanied driving, this period can be reduced to 2 years and the premium be lower.

Young drivers are also considered:

  • Motorists who have had a license for more than 3 years but have never been insured;
  • Drivers who have not been insured for more than 3 years;
  • Drivers who have had their driving license invalidated.

You now know everything about young driver insurance! It is more expensive than conventional auto insurance, because insurers estimate you more than at risk. For 3 years, you will therefore have to pay an additional premium which can double the amount of your insurance. Going through accompanied driving often allows you to have a more advantageous young driver insurance rate.

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