A twenties was flashed last Saturday at more than 200 km / h on a regional road in Dentergem, near Waregem. “A sad record in our police zone, where you can nowhere faster than 70 km / h,” said the police of zone Midow.
Officers from the Midow police zone held a speed trap along Meulebeeksesteenweg on Saturday. At around 1.45 pm an all-terrain vehicle passed at breakneck speed. 70 km / h is allowed at that location. Cops on the motorcycle were lined up a bit further away, but had a lot of trouble keeping the vehicle standing. Not far from the center of Dentergem, they managed to bring the tuned off-road vehicle to a halt.
In addition to a 23-year-old driver, three other persons were in the car. The Izegem Naar’s driving license was immediately withdrawn for 15 days. He will soon also have to answer to the police judge. “A sensible reason why he drove so incredibly fast, the driver could not give anyway,” said the Midow zone police.
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