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You will not believe what happens to your body when you drink coffee!

There is consensus that drinking coffee has many benefits for health, provided that you do not exceed 6 cups per day. As the body becomes vulnerable in this case to many health problems, most notably heart disease.

The benefits of coffee are great for the body

While coffee is the most popular and consumed around the world, the most prominent benefits of coffee are that it stimulates the body and the brain, and reduces the risk of early death and heart disease, and drinking coffee can protect against depression. By giving happiness to everyone who consumes it.
Coffee helps burn body fats. It contains caffeine, and also protects against Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, according to the German DW website.

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The dangers of excessive drinking coffee

Diarrhea is a sign of consuming too much coffee

When consuming large quantities of coffee that exceeds 400 mg (equivalent to 6 cups of Arabic coffee and 4 cups of Italian), this can raise the level of blood pressure and increase the risk of heart attacks.

The following are five health conditions that result from excessive coffee drinking:

Infections: Coffee cannot be the first cause of acne pimples, but it may cause these pimples to become inflamed. Responsible for this is cortisol, or the so-called “stress hormone”, whose secretions reach record levels after consuming caffeine, which increases the secretions of fat cells, and thus suppurations occur over the pimples when the fat is mixed with external deposits, including dust, bacteria, etc. . These symptoms increase, especially when consuming coffee with sugar and milk, or only one of them.

Diarrhea: Excessive consumption of coffee may cause diarrhea, and the reason is due to gastrin, a peptide hormone that stimulates the secretion of digestive juices (hydrochloric acid) in the gastric parietal cells, and thus stimulates stomach movement. And caffeine increases the secretions of this hormone, and automatically increases the movement of the stomach at the same time, which may lead to diarrhea, and caffeine increases the acidity of the stomach.

Nausea: If you usually suffer from stomach and digestive problems and feel nauseous, this may be due to an excessive intake of caffeine. Because this substance may disturb the digestive system and increase the acidity of the stomach.

And if you are addicted to coffee and suffer from persistent stomach pain in the morning; It is preferred that you drink tea instead of coffee.

Sweating: If you suffer from excessive sweating, you should be concerned about drinking coffee, as caffeine activates the brain and stimulates the nervous system, and this activation process in turn requires energy and effort. It causes more sweat secretion.

Frequent urination: Caffeine activates not only the brain, but also the work of the kidneys, and thus it performs its work faster than usual, which leads to the need to urinate more often.

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