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You wanted Brexit, here’s Brexit

Lord Kenneth Clark, a former Conservative MP and minister in Britain: “Well, Brexitists, have you finally been enlightened?”

“Well, Brexit, has it finally enlightened you?”: The dramatic shortage of petrol and food in Britain as a result of Brexit has heated the country’s passions to white. This short selection of quotes illustrates it:

“Well, Brexitists, have you finally enlightened yourself?” It is written (on Twitter) not by anyone, but by Lord Kenneth Clark, a former Conservative MP and minister in Britain. The party that imposed Brexit.

Many others write it: You wanted us to leave the EU – here are the consequences.

“Nothing to do with common sense”

My British friends, who have lived in Spain for years, fought hard against Brexit and were forced to take out Spanish passports in a panic. Their revolt against the ridiculous vote of a minority in the United Kingdom, which was in a position to tip the scales of the referendum, continues to this day on social media. And because of the dramatic shortage of petrol and food on the Island at the moment, British discussions there are heated to white. A short selection without pretensions to representation illustrates the current state of mind.

Behave normally: This is what the British Minister told the people in the petrol queues

Not without glee, countless Britons living in Ireland or continental Europe explain to their compatriots how nice it feels to visit a gas station and fill up your tank. But the hint does not help, a Twitter user wrote bitterly – it will neither change the facts nor force sworn Brexit supporters to revise their opinion.

“Because Brexit was an emotional reaction that had nothing to do with economic realities, common sense and awareness of the consequences. And the media just rode this wave – it is no coincidence that today these same media do not mention that Brexit is to blame for the current problems.” summarizes in response another participant in the discussion.

“Common sense” is also discussed in the following comment, whose sarcasm is downright deadly: “The government has told us not to believe the facts and the experts. We must trust only our common sense and xenophobia.”

“This self-destruction”

“A handful of billionaires lied to people that the EU was depriving them of their rights, when in fact these people lived quite comfortably in the EU. They made them vote for this self-destruction just so that billionaires could avoid more regulation and not have to pay more. fair taxes “, recalls another consumer.

Yes, Brexit was a “bad idea”, many Britons write on social media. Again and again, they recall that the vote was not rational at all: “Brexit is a cult, Brexit is a religion.”

Arguing with idiots is like playing pigeon chess, another Twitter user sarcastically commented, adding, “No matter how good you are, the pigeon will squeak on the board and swell its throat as if it won.”

With bitter irony, and with typical British self-irony, another consumer concludes: “The EU is facing a shortage of popcorn because more than 400 million people have settled in comfortably to watch us.”

But Europeans on the continent don’t seem to understand one thing, my British friends sigh: many people in the UK are ready to suffer leaving the EU. Because they think it’s liberation …

The material has been published HERE >>

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