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You want your child to remain smart…necessary foods that raise your child’s intelligence level and enhance his ability to concentrate and study

There are some foods that are beneficial in proper nutrition for children, as nutrition plays a crucial role in developing their mental abilities, which makes mothers look for foods that enhance intelligence and improve memory and concentration. Proper nutrition represents the basis for healthy growth for children and greatly affects the development of their perception, growth of mind, and enhancement of their mental abilities. Together, we will discover distinctive foods that are ideal options for increasing children’s intelligence and contributing to enhancing their mental performance. We will discuss in detail the benefits of these foods and how they can play an effective role in improving the level of intelligence and concentration in children.

Necessary foods that raise your child’s intelligence level

1- Whole grains

Oats are a distinctive and nutritious choice for a child’s nutrition, as they are an important source of complex carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamin B. These components react slowly during digestion, ensuring that the child receives a sustainable supply of energy.

Improving the balance of blood sugar levels, thus supporting the continuity of energy supply to the child throughout the day. In addition to enhancing the health of the digestive system and providing balanced nutrition for the child’s development, you should also add various types of grains to your child’s dishes, such as chickpeas, lentils, and beans.

2- Nuts

Nuts are considered a valuable source of the antioxidant vitamin E, and include walnuts, almonds, and peanuts in the list of options rich in this important vitamin. Walnuts, also known as “walnuts,” are extremely important for brain health, as they contain the highest percentage of amino acids. different.

But the important point is the necessity of eating nuts in their natural state, without roasting or salting, to optimally preserve their nutritional benefits. This contributes to making the best use of the valuable nutrients provided by these nuts, and enhances the multiple health benefits they provide to the body.

3- Eggs

Egg yolks are an essential source of proteins. Egg yolks also contain a group of essential vitamins, including A, D, B12, and E. This rich variety of vitamins contributes to supporting the overall health of the body.

What distinguishes egg yolks most is that they contain choline, which is an important compound for brain development. Egg yolks are a concentrated source of this necessary substance, which makes them a useful option for enhancing mental health and developing brain functions in general.

4- Fish

Types of fish such as sardines, tuna, and salmon are very valuable sources of health, as they contain high levels of Omega-3 amino acids. These essential fatty acids contribute significantly to brain development and enhancing the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

In addition, these fish are an important source of vitamin D, which plays a crucial role in supporting bone health and the nervous system. Eating fish regularly is a useful option for improving nutritional balance and enhancing the overall health of the body.

5- Yogurt

Dairy products stand out for their many nutritional benefits, as they contain vitamin D, which plays an essential role in the development of brain and nerve tissue, in addition to its effective role in regulating the production of vital enzymes.

Dairy products are an important source of protein, which is essential for building and regenerating tissues in the body. They also provide carbohydrates necessary to provide energy to the body, making them an important part of daily nutrition to maintain health and nutritional balance.

6- Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables constitute a basic basis for a child’s nutrition, as they are rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals, which play a vital role in supporting the health of the child’s body, especially the health of his active mind. Vegetables are an important source of antioxidants, which contribute to maintaining the health of brain cells and strengthening them.

What makes vegetables even more special is that they are an excellent source of folic acid and other vitamins and minerals that play an essential role in the development of the body and mind. Therefore, it is always encouraged to include a variety of vegetables in children’s daily diet to ensure they provide the complete and balanced nutrition they need.

2023-11-22 17:09:00

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