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You want to add the celebration to a fixed Saturday

Halloween weekend is fast approaching.

This year the same day falls on a Monday. It can be difficult for parents of young children to throw a party at home, thinks the liberal leader, who has young children who love Halloween.

– My experience is that there is less stress and fewer requirements for organizing if you put the celebration on a weekend.

As early as 2016, he called for clearer driving rules for the celebration of Halloween.

WEEKEND PARTY: Liberal party leader Guri Melby is a fan of Halloween and would rather add the celebration to a weekend. Photo: Thomas Evensen / TV 2

He says it’s nice that younger children can start a little earlier.

– Children get tired quickly on weekdays. During the weekdays, they may have had a lot of work and didn’t have time to relax a bit before the fun begins, says Melby, who really enjoyed the celebration.

Contact with the dead

A Halloween expert says the celebration has a long tradition in Europe, dating back to pagan times.

– The most important thing was to mark the end of summer time and that winter was welcomed. During this transition period, it was believed that the power between our world and the underworld was stronger. Contact with the dead was also important, says UiT researcher Rune Blix Hagen.

TRICK: TV 2 was able to join Melby and her kids in trick or treating last year.  Photo: private

TRICK: TV 2 was able to join Melby and her kids in trick or treating last year. Photo: private

Traditions have changed over the years and now Halloween is a more festive celebration.

– In Norway, the celebration flourished after the release of the Harry Potter books in the late 1990s, followed by movies. And then we took more of the American version, where we emphasized the disguise, the partying and the kids walking around asking to snoop, he tells TV 2.

– Wrong to move the celebration

Artist and dancer Alexandra Joner takes Halloween very seriously.

– I love the celebration. We have an annual party with friends and loved ones, where we dress right and have a lot of fun, says Joner.

He thinks it would be completely wrong to move the marking to another fixed day.

– Halloween is October 31st. It’s like Christmas Eve and May 17th, we can’t just move it.

However, he understands that families with children want him differently.

– If you are little, you may want to celebrate the weekend before October 31st and want to mess around with friends.

But she doesn’t mind that adults want to move the celebration to the weekend.

– I’m very strict about it. Those who celebrate on Friday or Saturday think about comfort.

Difference between children and adults

TRIBUTE TO THE WITCH: This year the Halloween expert will celebrate with black Scottish beer and pay tribute to all the women accused of witchcraft and witchcraft who have been burned alive.  Here Rune researcher Blix Hagen stands near the witch stone in Nordnes in Bergen.  Photo: Kjell Helle

TRIBUTE TO THE WITCH: This year the Halloween expert will celebrate with black Scottish beer and pay tribute to all the women accused of witchcraft and witchcraft who have been burned alive. Here Rune researcher Blix Hagen stands near the witch stone in Nordnes in Bergen. Photo: Kjell Helle

The expert says Halloween has always been the last day of October and the night of November 1st.

– If you want to have the celebration properly, put it on October 31st, he says.

According to the expert, the Halloween celebrations took off in Norway about 20-25 years ago.

– Those who were children then have now grown into adults. The celebration took hold among the Norwegians. We see children go out and beg for snuff on Monday, while the adult party takes place the weekend before.

He must recover the lost

Liberal Party leader Guri Melby understands that there are differing opinions on which day the celebration should be added.

TRICK OR TREAT?  Also this year there will be a Halloween party for Melby and the children.  Photo: PRIVATE

TRICK OR TREAT? Also this year there will be a Halloween party for Melby and the children. Photo: PRIVATE

– For my part, as a mother of small children, a regular weekend would have been better for practical reasons. But it’s going to be Halloween no matter what day it is, and as long as the kids still think it’s fun, I’ll do everything I can to make sure they have a good experience, she says.

This year she is in charge of throwing a Halloween party for her son’s class.

– This year we are making up for too many years of limited celebration due to the pandemic. I haven’t decided how to dress, but I always have a witch costume waiting if I don’t have time to organize something else, Melby tells TV 2.

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