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You should not ignore these “warning signs” of a corona infection

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Created: 07/16/2022, 1:00 p.m

Von: Svenja Wallocha


A corona infection with the omicron variant usually triggers certain symptoms. Which “warning signs” you should react to immediately.

Frankfurt – Many people are now familiar with the typical corona symptoms such as cough, fever and loss of smell and taste. However, the symptoms of the omicron variant may differ from those of earlier variants. Initial analyzes using the ZOE Covid Symptom Study App have already shown that people infected with Omicron often complain of cold symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, sneezing, sore throat and a runny nose in the early symptoms (three days after the positive test). How do you recognize an infection with the more contagious omicron variant?

But there are also new and unusual signs. According to US researchers, there are also some lesser-known corona symptoms that differ greatly from previous signs of infection. Anyone who discovers this should seek urgent treatment.

Omikron B.1.1.529
Delta B.1.617.2
Alpha B.1.1.7
Beta B.1.351
Gamma P.1

Infection with the omicron variant? New symptoms known

Omicron is spreading rapidly. In Germany, too, the variant is already the dominant virus form. What is dangerous about Omicron is that it is more contagious than previous mutations, and studies have also shown that the effectiveness of the vaccines is weakened in Omicron. However, this variant of the corona virus should ensure a rather mild course compared to the delta variant.

Nevertheless, it is important to be careful, because Omikron is also characterized by other and sometimes new symptoms. Experts from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) also warn of possible corona symptoms that should not be overlooked, such as signs on the skin, lips or nails, reports the British Sun, among others.

An illustration of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus. (symbol photo) © Imago Images

Omicron Symptoms: Blue discoloration of the skin, lips, or nails

Anyone who notices a pale, gray or blue coloration on their skin, lips or nail beds should urgently be examined by a medical specialist, according to the recommendation. These are worrying symptoms that could possibly indicate a corona infection. They are also dangerous because, according to the report, they can be a sign of low oxygen levels in the blood. The CDC experts therefore speak of an “emergency warning sign”.

  • Warning signs of corona infection with Omicrion:
  • difficulty breathing
  • Persistent chest pain or pressure
  • confusion
  • inability to wake up or stay awake
  • Pale, gray, or blue skin, lips, or nail beds
  • (Those: Centres for Disease Control and Prevention)

Other more uncommon omicron symptoms might include back pain, a hoarse or raspy voice, night sweats, muscle aches, and a runny nose. Researchers from South Africa and Great Britain were also able to observe severe night sweats in patients infected with omicron.

Omicron symptoms: These “warning signs” indicate infection with the corona variant

The British doctor Amir Khan reported on the symptoms of the omicron variant in an interview with the TV channel ITV: “It’s the kind of sweats where you feel like you have to get up and change your clothes,” said Khan. Loss of appetite is another reported symptom. In the case of the delta variant, on the other hand, loss of appetite was not a known symptom.

On the other hand, no people who have been infected with omicrons complain about the typical corona symptom of loss of taste and smell, as South African doctor Angelique Coetzee reported to the British newspaper The Telegraph at the end of November.

Immunity after omicron infection is low in many cases. This means that those who have recovered can sometimes quickly become infected again.*

Omicron variant: Mild corona disease courses give hope

The omicron variant was reported from South Africa in November. According to the Robert Koch Institute, it has an unusually high number of mutations in the so-called spike protein, a component of the virus. Some of the mutations are relevant, for example, with regard to transferability, which is particularly high in the case of omicron. At the same time, experts assume that the variant causes milder disease progression. That gives hope.

Christian Drosten was also optimistic with regard to an Omicron study. “Pioneering study by Neil Ferguson on omicron,” wrote the chief virologist at the Charité in Berlin on Twitter. For example, the risk of hospitalization with the Omicron variant is 20 to 25 percent lower than with Delta. The lungs are also said to be attacked much less frequently with an omicron infection than with other corona variants. (svw) *24vita.de is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

The information given in this article does not replace a visit to a doctor. Only experts can make the right diagnosis and initiate appropriate therapy. The intake of medication or dietary supplements should be discussed with a doctor beforehand.

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