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You should not ignore coldness in your lower abdomen.

Many middle-aged women say their lower abdomen suddenly feels cold. It gets especially worse in the evening or at night. In addition to coldness in the lower abdomen, abdominal pain may appear and may be accompanied by sudden diarrhea. It is difficult to digest and causes cold hands and feet. It also occurs in men, but is especially common in menopausal women. In Oriental medicine, this is called acidosis.

As acidosis worsens, it appears like a lump in the lower abdomen, appearing and disappearing repeatedly. In addition to abdominal symptoms, genital and urinary symptoms also occur. In most cases, there is a problem with maintaining body heat due to hormonal or immune system abnormalities.

The Samyin Gyohyeol is located on the inside of the ankle at a distance equal to the distance between three of your fingers.  Sameumgyo moxibustion treatment is effective for coldness in the lower abdomen.  Provided by Handong Ha Oriental Medical Clinic

The Samyin Gyohyeol is located on the inside of the ankle at a distance equal to the distance between three of your fingers. Sameumgyo moxibustion treatment is effective for coldness in the lower abdomen. Provided by Handong Ha Oriental Medical Clinic

But why does my lower abdomen suddenly become cold? Sensitivity to cold mainly appears in the lower abdomen and hands and feet. On the other hand, fever usually appears in the chest and head. This is because cold energy stays below and heat tends to rise upward. Therefore, it is usually called upper-lower-lower sweating. If you use cold medicine to cool the upper body, the lower body becomes even colder. On the other hand, if you use a warming medicine to treat hypothyroidism, the lower part becomes warmer and the upper part becomes cool. You should focus on cold rather than heat.

There are various causes of acidosis, but cold spells are particularly problematic. Excessive anger or tension can also be a cause. In this case, it is related to the liver (autonomic nerves). The liver meridian mainly controls the energy of the genitals and lower abdomen, and when anger or tension becomes severe, symptoms appear in related areas.

Banchongsan (蟠散) is a representative prescription for treating Hansan. Banchongsan is a myeongbang that treats the symptoms of coldness in the spleen and swelling and pain under the solar plexus, especially in the lower abdomen and genital area. Banchongsan uniquely contains Chongbaek (green onion root).

For acidosis, moxibustion treatment on the three-eum bridge of the ankle is effective. Sameumgyo is an acupoint that treats uterine disease in women, coldness in the lower abdomen, prostate disease in men, and sexual dysfunction. You can also apply a hot pack to the lower abdomen. Avoid sitting on cold floors on a regular basis, and wear sleeping socks to sleep in winter. Relieving tension and regular exercise (aerobic exercise + strength exercise) are also necessary.

Ginger tea and Chongbaek tea are also good. Chongbaek is the white part below the green onion. It is effective when boiled in boiling water over low heat for about 10 minutes to leave a unique spicy taste (aryl sulfide component).

Sensitivity to cold increases the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and cancer. Sudden coldness in the lower abdomen may be the starting point of a serious illness. Coldness in the lower abdomen should not be ignored because it is a signal that there is a problem with the immune system.

Han Dong-ha, Director of Handong-ha Oriental Medical Clinic

2023-11-26 08:34:41

#ignore #coldness #abdomen

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