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You should choose this as a “booster”

After receiving dose two last summer and autumn, there are very many who are now in line for a third bite. By the end of week 2, the goal is for everyone over the age of 45 to have been offered a refresher dose – also called a third dose or booster dose.

In several places, the municipalities are already working with younger age groups as well.

In Norway, the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna are in use, and many have received two doses of one of these, or have been vaccinated with a combination.

If the municipality has sufficient doses of both vaccines, it is open up for you to choose which vaccine you want.

But what vaccine should be chosen as the third dose?

– It does not matter so much. Some studies suggest that two doses of one vaccine and one dose of another may provide broader immunity. We see that many choose to take the Moderna vaccine as the third dose, but the most important thing is that you actually take a third dose, says assistant health director Espen Rostrup Nakstad in the Norwegian Directorate of Health to Dagbladet.

OMIKRON: Preliminary data show that the delta variant does not provide good protection against omicron infection. This is what assistant health director Espen Rostrup Nakstad says.
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Because after receiving a third bite, and regardless of the type of vaccine, it only takes a couple of days before the protection is at the same level as right after dose two was set, he explains.

Combo may be wise

The corona vaccine from Moderna, possibly in combination with the one from Pfizer, can give a higher level of antibodies, says Sara Watle, chief physician at FHI.

NOT IMPORTANT: Sara Watle, chief physician at FHI, says people should take the vaccine they are offered, and that it has nothing to do with which of the vaccines you get for most people.  Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB

NOT IMPORTANT: Sara Watle, chief physician at FHI, says people should take the vaccine they are offered, and that it has nothing to do with which of the vaccines you get for most people. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB
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But she too is aware that for most people it does not matter so much.

– High antibody levels are important for protection against infection with the various virus variants. It can be a plus especially for the older part of the population, or those with weakened immune systems, but for most of us it will probably have little to say, she explains.

– Thank you for the one you get

Both vaccines used in Norway today are so-called mRNA vaccines.

– There are very good vaccines, which we protect in the same way.

As there are now very many who will receive a refresher dose, it is also not certain that the municipalities have the opportunity to let people decide which of the vaccines they want.

– In that case, not all vaccine types will be available in all places at all times. To avoid wasting time, we strongly recommend that everyone who is now recommended a refreshing dose agrees to the corona vaccine they are offered.

DROP-IN: In Oslo, a drop-in was opened this week for residents between the ages of 18 and 45 at Stovner vaccine center.  Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB

DROP-IN: In Oslo, a drop-in was opened this week for residents between the ages of 18 and 45 at Stovner vaccine center. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB
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Three different not a problem

This also applies to people who last winter received the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which was later removed from the vaccination program.

– We have good experience of combining the mRNA vaccines. The same goes for the combination of a dose of AstraZeneca vaccine and a dose of an mRNA vaccine, says Watle.

There is also no problem if people end up with three different vaccine doses – for example AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna.

– We have good experience of combining the mRNA vaccines. The same applies to the combination of one dose of AstraZeneca vaccine and one dose of mRNA vaccine. Your protection against both infection and serious illness will improve after the refresher dose, regardless of which of the two mRNA vaccines you receive, she says and adds:

– The most important thing is that those who are recommended receive a refreshing dose. And we think it is no problem that someone is then vaccinated in total with three different corona vaccines.

REFRESHED: Minister of Health and Care Services Ingvild Kjerkol received her refresher dose this Christmas.  Photo: Ned Alley / NTB

REFRESHED: Minister of Health and Care Services Ingvild Kjerkol received her refresher dose this Christmas. Photo: Ned Alley / NTB
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No new side effects

It has also not been shown that combining different types of vaccine gives any other side effects than when the same type of vaccine is used at all doses, says the FHI superior.

On Friday, FHI announced that well over 1.8 million Norwegians have received a refreshing dose of corona vaccine. No side effects have been registered so far after the third dose, than with previous doses, according to the Norwegian Medicines Agency.

“Experiences from the clinical studies, and from countries that have come a long way in vaccination with a refreshing dose, do not indicate other side effects after a refreshing dose than what is previously known for the first two doses,” says Watle.

ANSWER: Raymond Johansen, city councilor in Oslo, called for answers on the intensive capacity. – If we are to understand the pressure, we must look at the entire health service, says Espen Nakstad.
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For the first two vaccine doses, however, the Moderna vaccine generally showed some more of the common side effects, compared to the Pfizer vaccine.

– But then we talk about short-term side effects such as injection site pain, body aches, headaches, fatigue and fever, says Watle.

Both Moderna and Pfizer vaccines can in rare cases cause heart inflammation as a side effect – a condition that can be treated.

– It occurs primarily in younger people and a little more often when using the Moderna vaccine than the vaccine from BioNTech / Pfizer. In older age groups, this is very rare and there is no difference in risk between the vaccines.

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