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You need to be ready for Polexit

Confederation’s candidate in the European Parliament elections, Anna Bryłka, admits that at the moment “Poland is not ready to leave the European Union.” This does not mean that there should not be a discussion about the future of our country in the EU.

– This is a process that will take many years. We have to prepare. We have transferred many competences to the EU. In my opinion, one of the most important competences that should be restored to Warsaw is the common commercial policy. We have not been conducting an independent trade policy for 20 years – she said on RMF FM.

He was pleased

Bryłka reminded that over the last 5 years, thanks to the “green policy”, the costs of Poland’s participation in the EU have increased significantly. This raises questions about the validity of remaining in the European structure. Bryłka noted that “no one rules out Polexit.”

– You have to be ready for him. I am a supporter of Polish sovereignty and independence, and at the moment the European Union is trying to take this sovereignty away from us, she said and pointed to the federalization process, which has accelerated significantly in recent years and which the United Right government did not want to stop.

– What I mean here is the consent to a common EU debt and common EU taxes, from which the entire Reconstruction Fund was financed, and this is one big fraud. When Prime Minister Morawiecki returned from the European Council summit in July 2020, he announced a great success, as billions of zlotys were to flow to rebuild the economy after the pandemic. It turned out that no money had flowed, she said.

Bryłka emphasized that the funds from the KPO are not at the discretion of the Polish government, because “we have no right to spend them on what the Polish government believes is needed”, but “we have to spend them in accordance with the purpose that has been negotiated”.

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