Home » today » Sport » “You have to imagine a River without Gallardo”: the phrase by Francescoli that worries the fans | Cuyo’s diary

“You have to imagine a River without Gallardo”: the phrase by Francescoli that worries the fans | Cuyo’s diary

River’s manager Enzo Francescoli He assured that they must imagine the post-Marcelo Gallardo era, and in that sense the club itself “is going to have to be strong and move on.”

“You have to imagine that someday Marcelo is not going to be there and River is going to have to be strong, keep going and try to achieve something similar to be able to continue in history. Hopefully that moment will take a long time”Francescoli said.

In an interview with the supporter magazine River 1986, the former player and now “millionaire” leader referred to what the “post-Gallardo” era will be like at the club.

The Prince pointed out that the day he wants to leave, it will be “a decision purely and exclusively by Marcelo”, adding that the DT knows “not only what everyone thinks because they live it daily, but also those of us who are in the club” .

“I think this has always happened. Very good coaches have passed in the history of the club. Hopefully Marcelo will stay much longer, but someday it will happen and hopefully we can make a correct decision”, said Enzo, who was the one who led the “doll” to lead the River Plate first team.

However, Francescoli avoided referring to who Gallardo’s successor could be once he decides to leave the club, but the current leadership is targeting someone who has emerged from the inferiors or who is passing by the Millionaire.

Source: TN

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