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You have to fight from quarter to quarter – VG

CITY WAR: Smoke rises from Sevierodonetsk, while heavy city wars take place in the streets of the city.

The Battle of Sievjerodonetsk is in full swing and the Russians are advancing into the city center.


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The city of Sevierodonetsk is the subject of a decisive battle in Luhansk Oblast. The Russians have set themselves the goal of conquering the city on their way into Ukraine. This after they had to give up the offensive against Kyiv and Kharkiv earlier this spring.

Intense street fighting is now taking place between Russian and Ukrainian forces on the ground in the city. The Ukrainian oblast governor has resigned several times interview by VG. He confirms that there is a constant bombardment of the city.

The governor says according to BBC that the bombing of the city is so powerful that one has stopped counting victims.

On Monday, Governor Serhiy Hajdaj confirmed that the Russians were advancing into the city. Their further goal is to also conquer the main road towards the city. Only a few percent of the county is in Ukrainian hands.

On Monday, two civilians were killed in the fighting. Five are injured.

Without water supply

Furthermore, he says that there is no longer access to either gas or water in the city. According to the governor, one million people in Luhansk province have no access to water.

– Unfortunately, we have disappointing news. The enemy is moving into the city, says Hajdaj.

TOWARDS THE CITY: A Russian tank fires propaganda material in the direction of Sevierodonetsk last week.

He has previously promised that Ukrainian forces will do their utmost to prevent the Russians from conquering the city. The think tank Institute for the Study of War estimates that the conquest of such urban territory will take time.

They argue that the battle for the city is very costly for Russia, both in terms of military resources and crews.

From experience, large losses

Lieutenant Colonel at the War School Palle Ydstebø, says that the Russians conduct strong artillery protection against houses and parts of the city. At the same time, they enter with tanks and armored vehicles to push Ukrainian forces out of the city.

In recent days, Russia has infiltrated Sevierodonetsk from three sides: north-west, east and south-east. It is unclear whether they have managed to squeeze into the city center, or whether they are on the outskirts of the city.

– But there are tough battles for control, which have been going on for a few days.

Lieutenant Colonel at the War School, Palle Ydstebø

From experience, Russia has suffered relatively large losses in such types of urban wars, he says.

You have to fight from quarter to quarter, from room to room. The Ukrainian defense can choose how they want to expose themselves, and can with good preparation and good tactics inflict counterattacks.

– When the Russians manage to take a quarter or house, there is often a counterattack to throw the Russians out.

All the while, the Ukrainians will have to consider whether it is worth keeping the city. But Sievjerodonetsk is the last major city in Luhansk that the Ukrainians still hold, and can therefore be important politically, says Ydstebø.

– It is important to keep the city, both to keep the last remnants of Donetsk, but also to use such city wars to inflict losses on the Russians.

The think tank The Institute for the Study of War writes in its latest update that Russian forces control the areas northeast of and southeast of the city, and continue to gain ground inside the city.

RUINS: A building in Sevierodonetsk has been destroyed by Russian artillery fire.

Store tap

Both Ukraine and Russia suffer heavy losses in the city. Ukrainian forces have taken up residence in ruins and are doing their utmost to stop or limit Russian advancement.

According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, all critical infrastructure in Sevierodonetsk has been smashed in the Russian attacks. Most of the city’s inhabitants have fled, but there are still several thousand left in the ruins.

The question is whether the city will be a new Mariupol.

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