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You have to earn this amount to get a mortgage today: without it you can’t

Among the many limits to be respected in order to obtain a mortgage there is the one that refers to how much it is necessary to receive.

How to take out a mortgage? The current economic situation is not the most favourable, exactly as happened in 2008 and for at least the following three-four years. Even from 2022 to today, those who have had or need to ask for a multi-year loan from the bank are discovering how very complicated something can be.

Mortgage calculation: what is the ideal relationship between installment and salary” width=”1200″ height=”800″ srcset=”https://www.ketumbar.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Calcolo-mutuo-14102024-ketumbar.it_.jpg 1200w, https://www.ketumbar.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Calcolo-mutuo-14102024-ketumbar.it_-300×200.jpg 300w, https://www.ketumbar.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Calcolo-mutuo-14102024-ketumbar.it_-1024×683.jpg 1024w, https://www.ketumbar.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Calcolo-mutuo-14102024-ketumbar.it_-768×512.jpg 768w” sizes=”(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px”/>What is the ideal amount for the mortgage? (ketumbar.it)

The economic crisis which arose two years ago and which was reflected in a disproportionate increase in the cost of living and for which many still struggle to understand the reasons, has left some consequences. Economic growth is not the same as the pre-pandemic period (another rather complicated time period) and the well-being that we had achieved up to 2019, with prices that were all in all normal, are just a beautiful, distant memory.

To request a mortgage, the bank requires guarantees. This is obvious, since it is not possible to grant large loans to the first person who comes along. We must prove that we are gods good payers and to be able to have the necessary resources to proceed.

Among the fundamental requirements to be respected is that of having at least a stable monthly income. Without income it is practically impossible for a mortgage to be granted. But even if there is a salary, it will in turn have to comply with strict criteria.

How much should the paycheck be for a mortgage?

In relation to income, we then proceed to mortgage calculation which you can have access to. Income and monthly paycheck have a crucial specific weight. In fact, the income itself is better if it is stable and linked to a permanent job. Banks look much more favorably on this type of gain rather than that linked to having a VAT number.

Mortgage calculation: what is the ideal relationship between installment and salaryHouse keys (ketumbar.it)

There is no certainty about tomorrow, and the thing takes on even more value if there is no certainty of having a fixed income, according to the way of thinking of a credit institution. In any case, if you are a casual or temporary worker, it will be a lot harder to get a mortgage.

And there is also a precise relationship between the installment and the income necessary to respect. We must not go beyond that by a maximum of 35% which indicates the mortgage holder’s ability to repay the monthly installment and what the maximum amount of the installment itself is. Translated: the monthly mortgage payment must not go beyond a third of the income every month. This, however, only applies in the absence of other types of debt.

So it would be desirable to have an income available of at least 1500 euros to be able to pay 500-550 for the mortgage. Then often as a guarantee the bank requires a mortgage on the property or on other properties of any guarantors.

There are special platforms on the web that can help you make an ideal calculation of the silent loan instalment in relation to the type of financing you are thinking of asking for from a credit institution. Among other things, it may be helpful to ask for useful information from other parties, such as consumer associations, an accountant or a notary, regarding what the ideal ratio between installment and available salary may be.

If you are lucky enough to have the right credentials to be able to earn a lot even as a self-employed person, so be it. The important thing is to pay your taxes and avoid making a fool of someone famous content creator for adultsjust discovered by the Financial Police.

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