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You have to be a round idiot to accept that Russia is one size against the background of the West


From the Facebook page of Yavor Bozhankov, who was expelled from the PG of the BSP in the National Assembly:

I am visiting Serbia. My meetings start in two hours and at that moment I watch our parliament.

The kopeck has crossed all borders.

He said Ukraine was at war with its people. And all Russian media in minutes. He wants autonomy for the Bulgarians. You are talking about fascists.


DPS are liberal and should respond to brutal hate speech. Silence.

The BSP is silent on the subject of fascism, probably because it has to admit that an attack on a foreign country with ethnic motives is pure fascism, and Putin is close to Hitler.

GERBs are super PRO-Ukraine, but they are not dealing with Vazrazhdane.

DB counterattacks. PP I have not heard them. Vzhod I don’t know in body and spirit if there are.

This is for a prosecutor. But let’s not waste time with fantasies.

The resistance forces of our society are weak and this is worrying.

There is also good news:

Russia is a victim of its own propaganda. And the local kopecks will crash.

– The argument that Russia is liberating Ukraine from the Nazis and Ukraine is at war with its own people ends. Russia has lost the war for 9 months. Because Ukrainians fight like lions for their land. The Russian invasion has definitely shaped their identity and their choice of civilization. If they were a handful of Nazis and the government was fighting against its own people, then who is the Russian army hunting every day? Russia is waging this war for resources, money and influence. Nothing else.

-The thesis that Russia is the second largest army in the world and Russia is a technological leader in the military industry has also fallen asleep. Russia is not a leader in anything. Artificial intelligence, the automotive industry, electronics and high technology – everything comes from the West. There is no way a technologically backward and corrupt country can compensate for this with propaganda.

– Russian fake news channels issue dire warnings against the West. You have to be a round idiot to accept that Russia is a size against the backdrop of the West. 447 million Europe, 331 million United States, not counting the allies of Japan, South Korea, etc. Since the Russian economy is as big as the Italian one. The Western world is the right, strong and successful country. This is a fact.

Today we have a Europe that learned its lesson with Hitler. And he knows very well that if he allows a dictator to take possession of a sovereign country “to have peace” he condemns the whole continent to war: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, etc. will follow.

Russian aggression has not broken NATO. Unite us. And it led to the expansion of the alliance.

Today, even Ukrainians are dying because of us. To live our lives here as before. They deserve at least basic respect. And a definitive answer against people like Kopeikata.

We live well without Russian gas. We will also live without Russian nuclear fuel. We will soon be living free from their pernicious influence and corrupt propaganda.

I understand people who historically are

grateful and feeling connected to Russia. We shouldn’t have to deal with them. Let’s talk. This has nothing to do with today’s regime and its outrages. If anyone is at war with their own people, it’s Russia.

For those who will say: Yavor went to the US and got a chip implanted behind his temple. Friends. I was in Moscow before. I was in Kiev days before the war. I speak to colleagues from many European Parliaments. I am currently in Serbia with colleagues from different countries. If there’s one thing that made me a staunch European, it was my stay in Moscow.

I want a good health system. I want the rule of law. Leftists want a fair social system. This is not the case in Russia. There are super rich and poor. There are people above the law and the constitution. There is misery. This is why young people always seek a good life in the West and never in the East.

The dictatorship will not last. Freedom will prevail. The guilty will be tried. Even those who currently feel secure.

Russia will not win this war.

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