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You have always eaten them together but they can cost you your life. Lethal to the liver

Almost everyone ate these duand foods: the combination is, however, extremely dangerous. Together they are lethal to the liver!

Liver illustration (Photo from AdobeStock)

The liver it is the largest gland in the human body and is essential for metabolism. In fact, connected to the digestive system, it performs useful functions both for digestion and for the elimination of toxic substances.

As if all this were not enough, it must be remembered that it is the main producer of red blood cells. The liver produces the bile: the latter is indispensable for the digestion of fats.

Confirmed his importance, however, we need to know the other side of the coin: the liver is extremely vulnerable. Its functions can be altered by viral infections, alcohol abuse, smoking, excessive consumption of drugs and excess fat in the diet.

There are several pathologies related to the gland in question. Also two foods sThey are very dangerous for the liver, especially if served together.


You’ve always eaten them together but they can ruin your life: lethal for the liver

Nutrition plays an important role in the life of every human being. There are some foods that should not be eaten frequently. Other foods, when eaten together, can ruin the liver.

Two foods together ruin the liver
Liver illustration (Photo from AdobeStock)

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To tell if you have liver problems, there are some common symptoms including diarrhea, jaundice (the classic yellow complexion), and chronic fatigue.

To safeguard his greeting, you must absolutely remember not to eat tomatoes and cucumbers together.

The digestion of these two fruit and vegetables at the same time is quite complex and can cause serious problems for the liver.

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If you get aliver poisoning after consuming tomatoes and cucumbers together, you can easily fix it by taking foods that purify the liver.

In nature, there are various foods that are powerful allies of the gland: among these, the main ones are artichokes, apples, blueberries, lemon and cabbage.

tomato fried bread recipe
Cherry tomatoes (Photo by RitaE from Pixabay )

Both tomatoes and cucumbers are great sources of vitamin C: for this reason, you can safely eat them apart. Sometimes, the bad combination of two products is underestimated by man: in reality, when you eat you should also know all the side effects.

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