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“You don’t need money”: new very tense exchange between Matthieu Delormeau and Gilles Verdez in TPMP

This Wednesday, February 16, the tone rose again between Gilles Verdez and Matthieu Delormeau on the Touche plateau not at my post. The reason ? Two of the show’s columnists, including Gilles Verdez, would charge fans for signings. This was not to the taste of other speakers who wished to let it be known.

Dividing videos. This Wednesday, February 16, Cyril Hanouna revealed in Do not touch My TV than the former reality TV star loanahad decided to propose a paid autograph service to its fans.My darlings just to remind you that if you want to make a personalized dedication from me to whoever you want or even to yourself for any occasion or just to please…”, she explained, before redirecting to the platform that offers this service. So, if you want a little personalized message from the former star of Loft Story, you will have to pay the sum of 60 euros.

A process that is not unanimous but which some columnists of the C8 show also use. Indeed, the facilitator revealed the profiles of Gilles Verdez and Benjamin Castaldiwho ask people 40 and 50 euros respectively, in exchange for a small dedication video. A paid service that has upset some columnists around the set, starting with Matthew Delormeau, who did not fail to tackle his friends, and in particular Gilles Verdez. “Saying something nice to someone is like charging for an autograph on the street. When you do that, you start from the principle that your job is to be known. And as in addition you give great lessons to everyone on everything… and you don’t need the money it seems to me ’cause you’re here every night, you’re making the price of being famous. From where your fame is a profession?he let go, outraged, to the journalist, before specifying that animators can make “up to 10,000-15,000 euros per month with videos like that”, especially during the Christmas period.

Gilles Verdez: “Matthieu Delormeau, shut your little mouth”

An attack that overwhelmed Gilles Verdez, who immediately responded to him. “It’s 4,000 bucks for a booking that you take!” he first threw at her. “It’s my job to animate. My job is not to be famous”, retorted Matthieu Delormeau. “It would be known if you were an animator!”tackled Gilles Verdez, before explaining how he used the money he earned thanks to these dedications. “I am very proud to do this, because I have given this money from the beginning to an association in Senegal which fights against violence against women. I gave a first installment of everything I had earned, and now I’m reaping what I’m earning and I’m very proud to go, this summer, to give them all of what I’m going to earn”he justified.

Explanations that only moderately convinced Matthieu Delormeau. “Ok it’s very noble Gilles, but we can give money to an association without taking it from people “, he opposed to him, which made Gilles Verdez come out of his hinges. “Matthew Delormeau, shut your little mouth, and give me the name of the associations to which you give money”. “When you become vulgar, it’s because you have no more argument”replied the host of TPMP People before specifying that he gave money each year to the Telethon.

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