The main panel in Windows 11 lacks several functions, and we were mainly concerned about the inability to drag and drop files and thus bring up program windows. This was solved by version 22H2, this year’s spring update then unifies the appearance of the icons in the notification area and allows you to hide the menu with overflowing icons. But if the Elevens do not continue to support something, it is about hiding the clock.
At the same time, it was one of the common functions. Most of us appreciate the clock or even the date on the main panel, but if you want to hide the information for any reason, you have to resort to using various tricks. But Windows 11 could finally offer this basic option to customize the system environment.
As he observed while dissecting the guts of the 25300 test build @PhantomOfEarth, so the system internally contains several links to just such a function. They are eloquent and should allow you to turn off the clock or the date on the main panel. Microsoft has not yet announced the news, and there is no guarantee that it will not be implemented.
If you want to hide the clock in Windows 11 today, probably the easiest way to do so is with a tool Win11ClockToggler. It allows you to hide either just the clock or even the entire notification area. However, it seems that it is not yet compatible with the spring update, which is also known internally as Moment 2.

Win11ClockToggler hides the clock on the taskbar,
but after windows 11 spring update it doesn’t work
Resources: PhantomOcean3💙💛 / Twitter