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You can still apply for help paying rent in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

You will see that only at11:00.hope: we will be pendingtonight.if you requested the help ofpandemic emergency topay your renthousing and has not receivedanswer, it is not the only one.If you have not requested it, thecalled is to do whatsoon as possible.I smoothed his cell phone for him to takethe qr ode.berenice explains to us whynot leave it for tomorrow.berenice: the program fromJuly has had all kinds ofproblems.the page was falling, now themoney has run out.here we tell you what you cando.>> you were sleepy and could notto sleep.Berenice even Don Luisa owes$ 10,000 for rent,but now she’s sleeping peacefully.>> I found someone tohelped and applied.berenice: now they receive therental.Luisa also owes 10 months and>> they do not answer me anything.berenice: that money from here toMonday had already been assignedExhausted.>> is it over? oh my god!Berenice: Genesis not here,representative in theorganization that advocates fortenants says that given therequests, the wings of$ 2,000,000,000 that weregovernment approvedfederal had already deliveredor approved.>> we are telling thepeople who want to dothe request, because there is nodeadline to do so.berenice: the state of newyork manages to show thatneed more money, canof federal assistance.get to work, visit thepage that appears on the screen,click on the place of thewest, answer thequestions and save it.luía does not lose hopeto be in the group oflucky ones.>> I have two children and it is notace.one thinks that they cantake out of the house.berenice: the owner and thetenant must apply in theqr code will find the stepsto follow and the requirements for

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