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You can split wood in 15 minutes even without an ax. A great prank is a hit on the internet

Chopping wood is a necessary activity for everyone who uses a fireplace or occasionally makes a campfire. Although most people use an ax to split wood, there are other ways to do it if you don’t have an ax handy.

Chopping wood with an axe

For many, the ax is the tool of first choice when splitting wood. With a well-sharpened ax that is just heavy enough, you can work efficiently. Use proper posture and technique when using an ax to avoid injury. Straight shoulders, securely planted feet, and proper ax swing are key to safe and effective chopping.

Wood splitting without an axe

In a situation where you do not have an ax at hand, it is possible to use other objects. For thinner and drier logs, a knife (not a kitchen knife) may be sufficient. Make a notch in the top of the wood and then insert the knife and tap it into the wood with a hammer or other block. This procedure may be more difficult and take longer, but will yield the same results.

Alternatively, you can use a wedge or a knife to create a notch in the top of the wood, which the knife will then drive into. The knife is then hammered into the wood using a stone or other object. It’s the same process as when an ax gets stuck in wood. After hammering the knife, just pull the blade through the crevice and the wood will split in half.

Foto: Shutterstock

Practical tips for splitting without an ax

These alternative methods of splitting wood can be useful but require more time than traditional ax splitting. They are great for smaller amounts of wood, such as wood for a campfire, but for chopping larger amounts of wood intended for a fireplace or stove, an ax becomes essential.

Splitting wood without an ax is a useful skill that can come in handy in emergency situations or when working with small amounts of wood. Although this method requires more time and effort, it is doable with a little patience and proper technique. However, for regular and efficient splitting of larger quantities of wood, the ax remains a key tool.

Foto: Shutterstock

2023-11-30 15:56:25
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