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You Can Know the Safety-Effectiveness of the Covid-19 Vaccine in December

Broader vaccinations may not materialize until the end of 2021.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON – United States (US) infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci said scientists may only be able to clarify whether vaccine for infection corona virus the new strain (Covid-19) will be safe and effective in early December. Accordingly, broader vaccinations are unlikely to materialize until the end of 2021.

“We’ll just find out what the Covid-19 vaccine it is safe and effective in late November or early December, “Fauci said Times Now News, Tuesday (27/10).

Fauci revealed, when talking about vaccination of most of the world’s citizens, this can certainly have a significant impact on the dynamics of the outbreak. However, it is highly unlikely that the vaccine will be available in the second or third quarter of this year.

However, Fauci reminded that vaccines that have been proven to be safe and effective will not replace health measures that have been implemented by the community during the pandemic. He said that maybe it was time to enact a national face mask rule.

For months, Fauci has been urging Americans to wear masks as a measure against the spread of Covid-19. The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington said that only 49 percent of Americans wore face masks in September, even though higher use would save many lives.

In the absence of an effective vaccine or proven treatment against Covid-19, health experts have urged the public to strictly adhere to safety guidelines, such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently and maintaining social distancing to stay safe from transmission of the virus. Worldwide, more than 300 Covid-19 vaccines are in development.

There are about 44 vaccine candidates who are in different stages of clinical evaluation. However, no vaccine candidate has yet completed trials to prove its safety and efficacy against the disease.

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