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you can find it for less than 10 cents

Italians are among the main consumers of bottled water in Europe. Yet not all of them are very safe. Let’s see why.

Bottled water – Nanopress.it

According to a survey conducted by Altroconsumo, the best water exists and costs only 0.10 cents.

Is bottled water dangerous?

Italians have the primacy in a ranking: that of the consumption of bottled water. They are, in fact, the first in Europe. Yet, choosing bottled water is a particularly complex operation. Not just because the variety of water on the market is immeasurable but also because packaged water is not always good for health.

In fact, consider that before reaching the supermarket shelves, the water is bottled at the source and then makes a very long journey, often under the sun, even if on the plastic packaging there is the wording to keep the bottles away from sources of heat and direct sunlight. The danger is that it becomes carcinogenic in contact with plastic.

water – nanopress.it

Without considering that the plastic of bottled water can pollute a lot. If you really can’t give it up and start consuming tap water, which is often also very controlled, let’s follow a ‘survey conducted by Altroconsumo.

Which is the best bottled one?

Before buying bottled water it would be necessary to check some nutritional parameters eg. fixed residue, pH, trace elements and so on. Not everyone, however, is able to orient themselves with these values. This is why the primary choice falls on the most sponsored waters.

Altroconsumo carried out a study from which it drew results by drawing up a ranking of the best water brands to buy. 38 brands were analyzed. The criteria considered: presence of metals, quality of the bottle, mineral salts and label.

As a result, of the 38 brands analyzed, only 7 were promoted. The ranking is as follows:

  • Smeraldina
  • Rocchetta
  • Recoaro
  • Saint Bernard
  • Alpe Guizza
  • Lauretana

In the first place there is Smeraldina, Sardinian water from the Tempio di Pausania. It resulted balanced in mineral salts, with an average price of 0.39 cents, a little more than its competitors. The novelty, which could save many wallets, is that among the promoted waters there is also one that costs less than 0.10 cents. It is about Alpe Guizza that flows from the Piedmontese Alps. Recommended if you follow a low-sodium diet.

water – nanopress.it

However, we must keep in mind that the choice of water also depends a lot on the lifestyle you lead and who the h2o is destined for. For sportsmen, for example, waters rich in sodium are recommended; for very young children, however, no.

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