The 2022 that has just passed was undoubtedly marked by high energy prices, which affected both Italy and Europe in general without distinction.
It all started when the first conflicts arose in Ukraine during the very first months of the past year, which led to very unpleasant direct consequences. In fact, we had to witness the progressive and continuous increase in the cost of energy, both electricity and methane gas, which obviously preceded the increase in the relative monthly energy bills by the main energy suppliers, such as Enel Energia in the case of the Italian territory. Today we have decided to provide you with targeted advice to try to save as much energy as possible, and save on the bills you are going to pay in the coming months.
Nowadays we use household appliances very much in the home environment, to go and carry out all our daily tasks. In fact, inside the house we have the washing machine, the dryer, the refrigerator, the microwave oven, the dishwasher and so on and so forth, and clearly all these appliances involve, added together, truly considerable consumption and hold off.
In particular, today we will focus specifically on the washing machine, which we all use almost every day to clean and perfume our clothes that we wear throughout the day.
Often one of the main pieces of advice we give, with a view to saving energy (and money, by extension), is to prefer the Eco / Ambient modepresent in the vast majority of household appliances nowadays.
Useful tricks
But are we really sure that this mode involves lower consumption as we expect?Indeed yes, the Eco mode allows you to consume significantly less than any traditional mode we use, allowing you to save a lot on bills.
However, we must always keep in mind another parameter, together with that of the Eco / Environment mode, or the energy efficiency class of the device we are going to consider. Even if, for example, the Eco / Ambiente mode is used, a low energy efficiency washing machine will still involve considerable consumption compared to usual.

Quite the opposite instead in the case in which a washing machine with a high energy efficiency class is used, in which even the use of the traditional mode could lead to significant savings compared to the usual. In addition to this, the usual advice we give you, finally, is to use the washing machine (as well as many other appliances, such as the dishwasher for example) always and only with a full load, avoiding repeated and unnecessary washings during the day.