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“You are a witch”: Oksana Samoilova showed a slim figure on the fifth day after childbirth

Oksana Samoilova

On a personal blog, 31-year-old Oksana Samoilova told fans about her health. According to the model, she does not sit still: she plays with children, walks and even runs. Moreover, the businesswoman noted that this is her easiest birth. “The previous three times by the fifth day I was also on my feet, but here I am on my feet and with a straight back! Maybe the body has just adapted, maybe the climate or the general condition. The doctor says that everything is very individual and that I’m running is not such a norm! ” – Shared the wife of rapper Dzhigan.

The model also published a picture – on it a mother with many children appeared in a cream-colored T-shirt and a red tracksuit. Oksana emphasized that in this form she went for a family walk.

Subscribers star bombarded her with compliments. They said that Samoilova looks like she did not give birth. “It is illegal to have such a figure on the fifth day after cesarean!”; “How can you look like this after childbirth? Just perfect! “; “You are a witch!” – Network users admired.

Fans of Oksana are delighted with her forms

Fans of Oksana are delighted with her forms

Recall that the fourth birth of Oksana took place in America. A month before the baby was born, the star family in full force flew to Miami. “This is probably our last winter photo for the next 11 months, until about next December. Hats, jackets and snow – we will miss! It’s time to pack your bags in eternal summer! ” – In early January, Oksana wrote.

How much did the birth of Dzhigan’s wife in Miami cost?

By the way, on the very first day after cesarean section, the businesswoman herself could move around the ward. And on the third day, the star was completely discharged from the hospital.

The older children of the couple do not leave their brother

The older children of the couple do not leave their brother

Note that Oksana Samoilova and Dzhigan did not hide the face of a newborn son. The couple actively publishes photos of the baby on social networks and shows how older children take care of the brother. According to the model, Ariela, Leia and Maya never step back from little David. “They don’t even give me a stroller – all by ourselves. And Maya, it seems, understood that the rank of the youngest in the family was not so bad, ”said the mother with many children.

The star added that until they found a nanny for her son. Now they are being helped by Oksana’s parents – they specially came to Miami to take care of their grandson.

Photo: Instagram

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