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Yosua’s hard look after the club photo was given to Sambo’s lawyer


Family law advisory team former Kadiv Propam Polri Ferdy SamboFebri Diansyah presented 35 pieces of evidence, one of which was a photo of Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat in a nightclub. Joshua’s family also took a hard hit at the evidence that was presented. What did he say?

As of Thursday (29/11/2022), Defendants Ferdy Sambo and Putri Candrawathi, represented by Febri Diansyah, presented 35 pieces of evidence to the judge at their post trial in Brigadier Yosua’s murder case. Febri explained and showed the evidence her client brought to court.

First, there is photographic evidence of the wedding anniversary of Ferdy Sambo and Putri Candrawathi. Then, Febri also showed CCTV screenshots of Sambo when he headed to Duren Tiga’s house on the day of Yosua’s murder, who he claimed was not wearing gloves.

“Evidence B1A-B1E defendant’s wedding anniversary photo Freddy Sambo and 22nd Princess Candrawathi on 7 July 2022 at Magelang. Evidence of B2 is a photo of the living room of Si’s residence in Magelang,” Febri said.

Not only that, to his surprise Febri also sent a photo of Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat in a nightclub. What was the reason the evidence was handed over to the judge?

After the trial, Febri revealed why her party included photographic evidence of Yosua as she was at the entertainment venue that night. At first, Febri said the party had read him the results of forensic psychology tests on the profiles of suspects, victims and witnesses.

“In the series of previous trials, we read the results of forensic psychology examinations relating to suspect profiles and victim profiles as well as witness profiles,” Febri said.

“We have confirmed this with several witnesses and, of course, in addition to the evidence, witness statements, photographic evidence of one of them is needed, so that it further complements the truth revealed in the trial,” he continued.

Febri then spoke about the aspects and perspectives of criminology related to the article on premeditated murder, where it is impossible for someone to commit premeditated murder without motive. Not only that, said Febri, attention must also be paid to the presence or absence of a victim’s contribution in the case of premeditated murder.

“It’s impossible for people to suddenly commit a premeditated murder, for example, without a prior motive. Then there are also other aspects that are important to note, namely whether or not there is a victim’s contribution. This is also an important point by looking at the profile of the data subject,” said Febri.

Furthermore, Febri said that his party also tried to look at the subcultural aspect in which a person grew up in his social environment. That’s why, Febri said, the evidence presented today is evidence that agrees with other evidence that has appeared in court.

“So some of the evidence that we presented earlier, the 35 pieces of evidence that we presented earlier, is not evidence in its own right, but evidence that is mutually compatible with other evidence that appeared in the trial,” Febri said.

Yosua’s party forcefully flashed the club photo which was handed over to the judge. Read the next page>>

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