Home » today » News » Yoo Seung-jun, “Young people are more angry with Chumi-ae and their country” in the 與 of the’Yoo Seung-Jun Prevention Act’

Yoo Seung-jun, “Young people are more angry with Chumi-ae and their country” in the 與 of the’Yoo Seung-Jun Prevention Act’

Input 2020.12.19 21:09 | Revision 2020.12.19 21:52

“Young people, the son of Minister Chu Mi-ae,
Former Minister Cho Kook, because of nonsense
Isn’t it anger and collapse”

Singer On the 19th, Steve Yoo (44, Korean name Seung-jun Yoo) fiercely protested that the Democratic Party Rep. Kim Byeong-ju proposed the so-called’Yoo Seung-jun Prevention Act’. he is “It makes no sense for me to make young people feel collapsed,” he said. “Honestly, seeing the corruption and two faces of politicians working in the country because of the ridiculous circumstances of Justice Minister Chu Mi-ae’s son, Cho Kook’s former Justice Minister ) Isn’t it more anger and collapse.”

Singer Steve Yu is protesting a bill initiated by Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Byeong-ju. /Youtube capture

Mr. Yoo posted on his YouTube channel that day,’Proposition of the Five Laws against Sources Seung-jun Yoo’?? Rep. Kim Byung-joo Are you kidding me? In the video titled “I’ll start now, the word I’ve endured so far,” he said, “Is this bill making sense, are you kidding? Is there anything politician who works with the Korean people’s taxes to do that?” He also said, “Am I a political criminal, or who did I murder, a sex offender?” and said, “What on earth is it so scared that I’m trying to stop one entertainer named Yoo Seung-jun?”

It was also argued that the Moon Jae-in administration was lowering military morale. Yoo said, “I have been denied entry to the country because there is fear of lowering military morale.” .

He continued, “Isn’t North Korea, which threatens us with nuclear weapons and provokes from time to time, such as killing South Korean officials brutally. Isn’t Kim Jong-un an enemy?” He said, “What is the president of our country doing? Hug, and the morale of our country’s military is not seeing it fall.”

In the video thumbnail, Mr. Yoo said,’#Soshin Remarks’,’#Political Remarks’,’#Rep. Kim Byeong-joo”#Yoo Seung-Jun’s Five Laws against Source Prevention? Hashtags such as’#finally open your mouth’ were also put on.

Rep. Kim’s bill that triggered Rep. Yoo to upload this video is the △ Nationality Act △ Immigration Control Act △ Overseas Koreans Act △ National Civil Service Act △ Local Public Officials Act. The amendment is intended to prohibit in principle from regaining the nationality of’males who have lost or deviated from Korean nationality’ without fulfilling their military service obligations and prohibit entry into the country. In addition, the age limit for visa issuance for overseas Koreans (F-4) was extended from the current 40 to 45, and the appointment of national and local public officials was also restricted to 45. If the bill is passed, the basis for restricting Mr. Yoo’s entry becomes more clear.

Rep. Kim, a former army chief, proposed the bill and said, “Young people feel a lot of collapse and loss due to the unfair reality. I hope that the society will be proud of military service through amendment of the law.”

Yoo is In the 1990s, he gained great popularity as a singer in Korea, but before enlisting in the military, he gained US nationality in 2002 and escaped military service. The government banned Mr. Yoo from entering the country. Yoo applied for a visa to the Consulate General of Los Angeles (LA) in Korea in 2015, but was denied, and subsequently filed a lawsuit for canceling the issuance of the visa, winning the final victory in the Supreme Court in 2019. However, the government last July Again, Mr. Yoo refused to issue a visa. As the grounds for rejection of issuance, the government promulgated the Overseas Koreans Act that’may interfere with Korea’s security and order maintenance and public welfare’.

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