Home » today » News » Yonkers police warn of bear in area – NBC New York

Yonkers police warn of bear in area – NBC New York

NEW YORK – Bear sightings are scary in part of New York on Halloween after neighbors captured the animal on video.

Yonkers officials issued warnings on Monday hours before children and teens began to trick-or-treat into neighborhood homes.

Police have received reports of a sighting in the Lawrence Park neighborhood, in the Essex Place and Rockledge Road area. The bear was not aggressive and showed no threatening behavior, but the police say they sent the alarm out of great caution.

The bear was not captured and is believed to still be in the area. The state points out that bears are more likely to be afraid of humans and will never go near or attempt to touch a bear. Also make loud noises in case a bear doesn’t leave.

News of the sightings doesn’t seem to put off many avid Halloween fans.

“Just to keep your eyes open and your kids close to you. That’s really all you can do,” Lona Torres told our sister network, NBC 4. The family, taking it all calmly, went out Monday night enjoying the tradition traditional.

“I saw the video today: there’s a bear running around Sara Lawrence College, so I thought I’d dress up in the scariest costume I could find,” said Mike Torres, dressed in a unicorn costume.

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