The Minister of Labor, Yolanda Diaz, states that the approval of the Statute of electrointensive consumers it is a matter of days. In an interview on TVG, Díaz has pointed out that the Minister of Industry, Reyes Maroto, has informed you that the matter will go to Minister council soon.
An announcement made yesterday by the spokesperson for Galicia En Común Unidas Podemos in Congress, Antón Gómez-Reino, in the debate in A Coruña thinks of Radio Coruña SER. We listened to him together with the PSOE deputy, Pablo Arangüena, who preferred to be more cautious when talking about dates.
United we can considers that it is urgent to solve the problem of the price of energy in companies in the electrointensive sector. In Galicia Some 5,000 workers are pending approval of the Statute, including those from the old Alcoa in A Coruña, now Alu Iberica, those of Alcoa-San Cibrao, Ferroatlántica, Celsa Atlantic and Megasa.