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YOG 2020: Treat yourself during the Games – News Vaud & Regions: YOG 2020

Lausanne has always wanted to be a city of taste, since it was the capital of the Week of the same name in 2012. Especially since the city is part of the Délices network bringing together a series of international cities which have put gastronomy at the center of their concerns. Finally, Lausanne has recently become a member of the Great Wine Capitals, another association which groups wine-producing places that offer wine tourism. Suffice to say that when it hosts the Youth Olympic Games, Lausanne does not forget to offer something to support athletes, volunteers and participants in Lausanne at the Games! and its three hundred activities.

As the organizers promise, “there will be something for everyone, children and adults, for all budgets and diets, in a festive atmosphere! With a focus on ecology and collaboration with local partners. “The gastronomic offer will therefore be developed in seven themes and as many places. Each time, in partnership with one or more local players who will highlight their specificities. And we will not forget the other YOG websites.

On Place Saint-François, renamed Belle Place, around the Maison des sites, it is the terroir that will be in the spotlight of the different proposals. In the house itself, Terre Vaudoise offers a restaurant with products from the various YOG sites. Like a Diablerets trout, a Vacherin Mont-d’Or from the Valley or the wines of the City of Lausanne, the largest public owner of vines in Switzerland, with its five estates between Mont-sur-Rolle, Allaman, Saint-Saphorin and Dézaley. Various punctual events with actors from the Olympic sites are also planned, such as a Wine Wines evening concluded on a magnificent 1988 vintage.

Beside, the Raclette Chalet will decline six cheeses from so many YOG sites. Another chalet will offer hot fondues and classic fondues on dedicated trees, while a cheese maker will make every Wednesday and Saturday. Finally, the Sainf, a 240 m² tent, will offer Lausanne gastronomy with products from various microbreweries, cheeses, coffees selected by The Coffee Society and Sunday brunches offered by local caterers.

In place Pépinet, we will set sail for the whole world thanks to a partnership with EVAM, the settlement for migrants. The New Wave, that’s his name, will see migrants prepare three dishes every day from their different countries. Dedicated to young people, this place will be smoke-free and alcohol-free.

The central square will be the holiday place. Opposite the skatepark, the Urban Cave will display local wines throughout the YOG, and organize five evenings of meetings with producers from the region. From the balcony, we will dive into the entertainment of the BodyCity scene.

The place of Europe renamed itself the Apres-Ski for a very resort atmosphere. Seven chalets will offer their dishes, including one at 5 francs, a vegetarian and half a portion. A large bar will complete the atmosphere of altitude.

On the Jean-Monnet terrace, Bô Noêl plays extra time. In 2020, we offer raclettes and fondues while overlooking the Place de l’Europe. This is also where the visiting classes will eat, at a special rate of 12 fr.

Place de la Riponne becomes the e-Arlaud to support players who will leave their games in eSpace. Here, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, it’s the kingdom of food trucks.

Montbenon casino He will be the meeting point for volunteers who will taste more than 12,000 meals throughout the event. It will also host the Solidarity Table where, thanks to a partnership with Caritas and the city’s emergency aid, 10 meals will be offered to each service for the most disadvantaged.

Created: 04.01.2020, 6:06 p.m.

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