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YLKI: Many Consumers Don’t Know Sustainable Palm Oil Page all

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – YLKI chairman Tulus Abadi said that many consumers in Indonesia were unaware of the composition Palm oil contained in various products sold in the market.

He assessed that consumers in Indonesia only know palm oil as cooking oil and do not think about whether the product is sustainable or not.

“There are still many who don’t know about which oil is sustainable and which is not and I think consumers have the right to choose both to use,” he said in a virtual RSPO discussion, Wednesday (19/8/2020).

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According to Tulus, the lack of consumer knowledge about sustainable products is due to the lack of education from industry players. In fact, industry players have a responsibility when distributing products in society.

He also asked the cooking oil industry players to ensure that the raw materials for the products they sell come from sustainable palm oil plantations.

“Manufacturers must be responsible for making the production process sustainable so that the products they sell are environmentally friendly,” said Tulus.

In addition, Tulus asked the palm oil industry players to ensure that no violations occurred against labor rights and other human rights.

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Meanwhile, WWF-Indonesia Head of Market Transformation, Aditya Bayunanda, stated that his party had participated in various promotions regarding product use sustainable palm oil, both in the domestic market and the international market.

“We also continue to provide relevant information on where to buy sustainable palm oil sources,” he said.

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Aditya also asked industry players to work together with all stakeholders in the palm oil supply chain such as producers and smallholders to make sustainable palm oil the norm.

With this collaboration, he believes that it can be ensured that producers who produce palm oil sustainably can receive the benefits they should.

“A concerted effort is needed to ensure that producers who produce sustainable palm oil receive the benefits that should be and consumers can also use their purchasing power to provide incentives to producers, especially small farmers,” he said.

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