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YKS questions and answer key announced! ÖSYM TYT, AYT and YDT questions …

Thousands of candidates who attended the Higher Education Institutions 2020 Exam turned their eyes to the statement from ÖSYM. With the publication of questions and answers, students who predict the correct and wrongs will be able to calculate the first score before the official results. So what time will the questions and answers be published? The answer to the question was clear.

When will YKS questions and answers be published?

The questions and answers of YKS 2019, which was held on June 15 and 16 last year, were published on June 16 by ÖSYM.

If the same practice is realized today, the questions and answers of the YKS sessions held on 27-28 June were announced today.

According to the announcement made by ÖSYM’s Twitter address, the Basic Proficiency Test (TYT) questions and answer key, which was the first session of YKS and held yesterday, can be accessed at “https://yks2020.osym.gov.tr/tyt_yks_2020.pdf”.

Today, the second session, Field Proficiency Tests (AYT) questions and answer key will be available on the internet address “https://yks2020.osym.gov.tr/ayt_yks_2020.pdf”.

The access addresses of the third and last session Foreign Language Test (YDT) questions and answer key are as follows:

“German test: https://yks2020.osym.gov.tr/ydt_almanca_yks_2020.pdf

Arabic test: https://yks2020.osym.gov.tr/ydt_arapca_yks_2020.pdf

French test: https://yks2020.osym.gov.tr/ydt_fransizca_yks_2020.pdf

English test: https://yks2020.osym.gov.tr/ydt_ingilizce_yks_2020.pdf

Russian test: https://yks2020.osym.gov.tr/ydt_rusca_yks_2020.pdf “


Questions and answers were published and an official statement came from OSYM. Some of the questions and answers were published publicly and all of them were accessible only to the candidates who attended the exam.

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