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Yilan School No. 2 donated by the people to build a bronze statue of Chiang Kai-shek will set up a bulletin board to objectively explain

The Yilan county government said today that there are currently only two schools in the county that have the bronze statue of Chiang Kai-shek donated by the people. of the symbols of authoritarianism”, will not be removed for the time being, but a bulletin board will be set up to educate and objectively explain From the point of view, the story of Chiang Kai-shek.

There are 2 schools in Yilan donated by the people to build a bronze statue of Chiang Kai-shek, and there will be an objective comment on the bulletin board

After the mandate of the transfer promotion committee expires, the interior ministry will be responsible for eliminating the symbolic business of authoritarianism. In order to encourage county and city governments and schools to eliminate symbols of authority in public buildings by removing or renaming them, the Ministry of the Interior has formulated the “Key Points for the Ministry of the Interior to Promote Disposal Subsidies of the symbols of Authority.”

Wang Hongxiang, director of the education department of the Yilan county government, said that only Dajin Primary School and Jiaoxi Primary School have bronze statues of Chiang Kai-shek left in the county. Considering that the bronze statues were built with private donations, after discussing with schools, it was decided not to remove the bronze statues for the time being. will be established after approval. It is hoped that from an educational point of view and objective perspective, students will understand the meaning of the existence of the bronze statue, as well as the life and history of Chiang Kai-shek.

Responsible editor: Yu Weining

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