Military observer Yigal Levin spoke about the predictability of the actions of the Russians, which they give themselves away to.
New information about the Il-76 crash appears in the Russian press throughout the day with enviable regularity approximately every half hour, reported Yigal Levin. One gets the impression that the texts have been prepared in advance, and the information has been carefully verified. All this indicates that the provocation was planned by the Russian special services.
Yigal Levin’s interview for “Apostrophe TV” can be viewed on the channel YouTube.
A well-known blogger explained what miscalculation revealed the Russian involvement in the downing of the Il-76: “If we are talking about the information history associated with Il today, then pay attention to how during the day from the moment it became known, at what speed (I am observing this) virtually every half hour Russia carefully throws in a new dose of information.”.
At the same time, Yigal Levin noted: “They don’t know how to improvise. Remember the situation when their planes were shot down, when the A-50 and other planes were shot down? They don’t know how to improvise: they are good at organizing KGB operations.”.
“This security service has been in power for a hundred years, and they are very good at doing everything related to psychological special operations, psychological pressure and influence, and they invest a lot of money in this (this is well known). In some places they work better, and in others – worse, but there are certain points – this is constant pressure (forced, that is, over and over again). Since they do not know how to improvise, this suggests that a certain proportion of what was planned here was definitely“, the military analyst explained in more detail.
Levin previously explained how Zelensky’s “cool decree” could dramatically change the course of history in the future.
Let us recall that Levin proposed a method for the final destruction of the Crimean Bridge.
#Levin #explained #Russians #realizing #admitted #guilt #crash #Il76
2024-01-24 19:55:38