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yet again 31 new infections

Schiedam – The RIVM reported 31 new infections among the inhabitants of Schiedam on Thursday, yesterday there were 15.

The official totals reported today for Schiedam so far: 6,433 positive tests, 189 inhabitants of Schiedam have been or have been hospitalized and 102 city residents have died from the consequences of a corona infection. The actual figures for the number of infections and deaths are in all probability much higher.

Nationally there is a small increase in the number of infections: 5,380, 75 more than yesterday.

And there are also slightly more corona patients in Dutch hospitals today: the total number of COVID patients admitted in the Netherlands is 1,925, which is 12 more than the previous day. Of these, 572 are in the ICU, an increase of 12 patients and 1,353 in the clinic, the same number of patients as yesterday.

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