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“Yesterday we were still children” far ahead of the Sachsenklinik

The ZDF mini-series “Yesterday we were still children” also won the ratings on Tuesday. With 4.80 million viewers, the market share of the second part was a strong 18.0 percent, but compared to the previous day half a million people were lost in a linear way. However, the market share among 14 to 49 year olds remained almost stable at 8.5 percent.

ZDF did not fear too much series competition from ARD, because in the first only two repetitions of “In All Friendship” were warmed up – packaged as desired episodes in the run-up to the anniversary of the 1000th episode of the long-running hit. At least 3.36 million fans tuned in at 8:15 p.m., before around 9 p.m. there were still 3.10 million and a market share of 11.9 percent. With the young audience, on the other hand, it was only enough for values ​​of 5.9 and 5.1 percent.

While the overall market shares of the first with “Report Munich”, “Tagesthemen” and “Maischberger” remained in double digits, ZDF was subject to larger fluctuations in the course of the evening. The “heute-journal” was initially convincing with 3.76 million people and a market share of 16.3 percent, before “37 Grad” reached 2.04 million and 10.9 percent. For “Leschs Kosmos” at 10:46 p.m. it was only enough for an 8.8 percent market share of the total audience.

Only “Markus Lanz” later provided an upswing and increased with 1.27 million viewers at the beginning of the year to a good 12.4 percent market share. Talk scored a good 7.7 percent among 14 to 49 year olds. For the “heute-journal update” there were even a really strong 10.4 percent from 0:33 a.m. Overall, the late news kept 800,000 people on ZDF.

Source for all data in this article: AGF Videoforschung in cooperation with GfK ; videoSCOPE 1.4, market standard: TV

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