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“Yes, it’s true I did it” – Baritalia News

The “Live summer life“Conducted by Andrea Delogu and Marcello Masi is continuing to enjoy great success with the public. The two conductors like them because they are extremely fresh and nice both individually and together. Home viewers notice the difference between this couple, always smiling and close-knit, and the one made up of Alberto Matano and Lorella Cuccarini that, even if it did not reveal all the tensions that were there, it was, however, colder and more set.

Tensions exploded after the end of the season

The tensions kept dormant throughout the season exploded shortly before the airing of the last episode when Lorella Cuccarini made public the letter, which has now become famous throughout Italy, with which she accused, without mentioning the name, Alberto Matano to have been male chauvinist with a huge ego.

At first Matano did not want to comment in any way but now, after almost two months, he has decided to give his own version.

Alberto Matano’s answer to Lorella Cuccarini

Alberto Matano, after months of silence, he decided to respond to the accusations made against him Lorella Cuccarini.

Matano he said: “I don’t know what male chauvinism is … As I did live, the last episode, I also thank Lorella now. We didn’t know each other, we suddenly found ourselves living an epochal experience. We also moved on when the network asked us for more space, four hours, giving us strength to each other. Together we have done something useful: public service ”.

And then, again: “I keep what’s good, what we saw on the air is the truth. The best answer to any controversy and falsehood “.

About the accusation of being male chauvinist, she said: “Maybe she was wrong, she meant a journalist… I did nothing but be a journalist. This yes, I did. If it means disrespecting someone, then I give up. Of all the things that could be invented, it is the most surreal. My mom is an Italian feminist historian, she was an equal opportunities councilor at Palazzo Chigi, I come from a very open family. I was sorry because I really don’t know what male chauvinism is”.

About its proximity to the 5-star movement he said

: “There is nothing to say. It is the others who have to assign you a category, it’s their problem … Exactly, more categories. I was a parliamentary journalist, I started when there were parties that no longer exist and every time they attribute a membership to me, I smile “.

And then he talked about his participation in “Dancing with the Stars” in the role of columnist: “Coletta asked that the afternoon of Rai 1 become a journalistic story. The program will reflect me: I am chief author and chief editor, if it is bad it will be my fault. It will be built with the envoys, Roberto Poletti is part of the team. I will be able to rely on Giovanna Botteri, on the colleagues of Tg1 and Rai News ”.

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