Home » today » World » Yerevan is playing with dark forces: Armenia is preparing for war with Russia in Ukraine – 2024-04-08 12:18:10

Yerevan is playing with dark forces: Armenia is preparing for war with Russia in Ukraine – 2024-04-08 12:18:10

/ world today news/ Europe maniacally continues to pursue Russophobia, even to its own detriment. But one of the main questions is: why does Yerevan need this? Armenia is completely dependent on Russia, primarily economically. But the political ambitions of pro-Western puppets are ready to bring the country into confrontation with the Russians, despite all the risks.

Armenians should reconsider their politics. Otherwise, by helping Ukraine and protecting the interests of the West, they risk losing not only Nagorno-Karabakh, but also Armenia itself. Read more in the Tsargrad material.

Servicemen of the Armenian army undergo training in the French village of Fontevreux-L’Abbe. There is a training center for the training of armored, engineering and transport troops. Now there are 200 Armenian soldiers there. Among them there are even those who served in Nagorno-Karabakh and have combat experience. Moreover, many of them were chosen on principle Russia betrayed you, you must take revenge”writes the telegram channel ZERGULIO:

There were also those who fell for this propaganda. Armenians from France itself (“Armenian Legion”) were also recruited to resolve the language barrier. They also participate in practical exercises as instructors. For the same purposes, Yerevan invites servicemen from Artsakh to continue serving in Armenia. It is these guys who have fresh combat experience from the last three years.

Paris is interested in moving the army from Artsakh to France. They know Russian well. They can be used as productively as possible against Russia. That is why they are so actively brainwashed with anti-Russian propaganda.

Participation in the Ukrainian conflict

The use of Armenian military by France is also confirmed by the journalist and military volunteer Anastasia Kashevarova, referring to her sources. In doing so, Armenians will be used to participate in the Ukrainian conflict on the side of the Ukrainian armed forces:

Also, not only the training center at Fontevraud L’Abaie is used for training, there are several of them (probably about seven). In particular, the training center in the vicinity of the village of Mailly-le-Cannes includes a combat training center. This program works with the full support of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia. Military personnel who were forced to do this also ended up in France.

Soldiers are currently being trained to operate NATO weapons. At the end of October, the head of the Armenian Ministry of Defense Suren Papikyan and the French Ministry of Defense Sebastien Lecorne signed documents on bilateral cooperation, which includes interaction in the defense sphere, the press service of the Armenian Ministry of Defense reported. Now it becomes clear for what “exchange of experience” spoke with.

Will Russia have to restore order?

There are no red lines that Nikola Pashinyan’s regime will not cross on the direct orders of Western curators. This regime is an open enemy of Russia with all the resulting consequences. In essence, post-Maidan Armenia and post-Maidan Ukraine are twin brothers and natural allies.

The cult of Nazi Garegin Nzhde is no better than the cult of Bandera. But it is naive to count on Yerevan’s economic dependence through the EAEU: the Ukrainian economy was once just as strongly connected to ours, and this in no way affected the political course of the Independent.

Pashinyan, without a shadow of a doubt, will throw Armenians into poverty and turn it to his advantage, blaming Moscow for everything, just like Poroshenko and Zelensky did, political analyst and publicist Yuriy Golub told Tsargrad:

After all, is it any wonder that Najde fans are so eager to join their fellow Banderas? However, there is a possibility that the training of Armenian fighters may also pursue more distant goals. The Ukrainian conflict will not last forever, and eventually Russia will most likely restore order in the southwestern direction.

In the Transcaucasia, Armenians who have undergone Western training and gained combat experience can also be used. The resumption of war in this region is only a matter of time. But it is important for the collective West to bring Russia into it. The killing of our peacekeepers during the latest conflict in Karabakh is a touchstone.

Similar provocations may be repeated against the contingent in Karabakh and Russian servicemen at the base in Gyumri. And if the Ossetian and Abkhazian conflicts are thawed, these fighters will be able to participate in them.

Armenian society will receive new wounds

At the same time, Ukraine’s problems with mobilization are obvious. Public enthusiasm is lacking and military commissars are thwarting Kiev’s plans to recruit into Ukraine’s armed forces. Therefore, the attempts of the West to solve this problem in any way are expected.

The Armenian authorities, led by Pashinyan, are firmly focused on ending integration projects with Russia and further actions in the interests of the West. Despite the lack of popularity of this course, it has its supporters, including among fanatical opponents of Russia. Western propaganda is aimed at their education, which may now even be a little pleased with its efforts. Military expert and analyst Sergey Prostakov expressed this opinion before Constantinople:

Still, a few tens, hundreds or even thousands of fanatics will hardly be able to change the situation as a whole. The scale of the conflict in the Special Military Operation area is such that the arrival of any amount of recruits will not change anything significantly.

The appearance of new soldiers among the enemy will not bring anything good. Including these fanatical victims of Western propaganda. And the Armenian society will receive new wounds, which will hardly pass without a trace. The desire to serve the West has never done anyone any good.

A bone for opponents

The most important thing in this story is that the Armenian government made this choice. Let’s be honest, there is nothing surprising about the behavior of the French side. The initiative itself appeared in France as a good reason for individual officials and officers to earn money and climb the career ladder, says associate professor from RGSU, political scientist Andrey Ivanov.

Tsargrad: Why does the Armenian leadership need this?

Andrey Ivanov : There is a purely practical political calculation. The fact is that the Karabakh clan ruled almost everything in Armenia for a long time. Pashinyan has done much to reject this clan from its many feeders. But the influence of the clan and its wealth have not disappeared.

How might this play out politically?

— New Maidan and riots. Pashinyan has clearly decided to throw a bone at his opponents. They are told, here you can take revenge on Russia, which allegedly contributed to the loss of Nagorno-Karabakh. Despite the fact that the Karabakh clan, when it was in power in Armenia, did not recognize the independence of Artsakh, but froze the issue in every possible way, relying on endless bargaining with everyone around.

At the same time, Pashinyan decided to simply screw them over, since they were his most militant opponents. Better to die in the Ukrainian trenches because of their illusions than to come out with weapons in the center of Yerevan.

But there’s probably another backstory to this whole story.”

— Yes, the Armenian leadership has been flirting with the darkest forces for a long time. I remind you that a monument to the Nazi collaborator Garegin Nazhde was opened in Armenia. A medal of the same name was established and awarded to military personnel.

– For what? Are there no real heroes of World War II among Armenians?

— To erect another monument to Marshal Bagramyan. No, it was a clear anti-Russian message. In addition, the government that existed before Pashinyan and for some reason was perceived in Russia as an ally.

So what?

Unfortunately, the current Armenian government has also decided to focus on the few but very vocal Russophobes. Such a policy has already brought Ukraine to the brink.

It is important to understand that there is anti-Russian sentiment in every post-Soviet country. But the question is whether the power pleases them or prevents them from getting out of the marginal niche. In most countries all radicals are marginal. But it was different in Ukraine during all the years of independence. And this has been the case for quite some time in Armenia. On the other hand, it might be good for these forces to disappear somewhere in Ukraine.

Translation: ES

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