We are currently at harvest time, and each year the price per kilo of the product is the subject of discussion between producers and buyers, said Mr. Goralewsky.
The Yerbatero Center has asked the collectors to pay a price of G. 2,000 per kilo, but we know that many do not pay that price, and unfortunately there are producers who are forced to accept due to the need to sell.
Another issue that we are talking about with producers is to start the harvest with the shavings already in March, in such a way to extend the harvest more, and that this is accompanied by a foliar fertilization in crops for a regrowth of the plant and that it is made the most of it, he explained.
Argentine export
Goralewsky stressed that last year something unprecedented occurred, since Argentina bought some 19,000 tons of yerba mate, which would represent about 20 million dollars, and that it came to boost the economy, since at that time there was grass parked.
Regarding whether this year the same phenomenon will occur, the manager explained that they hope that this will be the case, since the need of the Argentines is installed. “They are harvesting now, but their need is great and we believe they will come looking for our weed,” he concluded.