Home » today » Entertainment » Yeom Jeong-ah explodes with disappointment at Dex… “You can’t continue a love that only gives you” (‘Sister’s Direct Delivery’) – Star Today

Yeom Jeong-ah explodes with disappointment at Dex… “You can’t continue a love that only gives you” (‘Sister’s Direct Delivery’) – Star Today

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‘Sister direct delivery from store’. Photo I Capture from tvN broadcast ‘Sister’s Direct Delivery’

Actress Yeom Jeong-ah expressed her disappointment with broadcaster Dex.

In the 11th episode of tvN’s ‘Sister’s Direct Delivery’, which aired on the 26th, the story of Yeom Jeong-ah, Park Jun-myeon, Ahn Eun-jin, and Dex, who started living in a fishing village on Ganghwa Island , it was shown.

On this day, Yeom Jeong-ah mentioned the sikhye she gave Dex recently, saying, “Isn’t it easier to eat sikhye because you put it in a small bottle?” Dex was moved, saying, “(Yeom Jeong-ah) gave me dozens of them in a small bottle.”

Yeom Jeong-ah said, “You are our youngest. “Shouldn’t I take care of you?” he expressed his love, but also said, “Have you seen ‘Cross’? “Didn’t you say you’d see me next time?” he asked. Dex explained, “I don’t really have time to watch movies at home. In response, Eunjin Ahn joked, “The body does not go where the mind is not. “

Yeom Jeong-ah said, “Don’t I love you like this? But the love that just gives cannot last. “I just get it and it never comes,” he said, expressing his anger. Park Junmyeon teased Dex, “Give me some.”

Meanwhile, ‘Sister’s Direct Delivery’ airs every Thursday at 8:40pm.

[이세빈 스타투데이 객원기자]

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