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Yemen: several police officers kidnapped by Al-Qaeda – LINFO.re

On Thursday, June 17, a security official in Yemen claimed that al-Qaida had kidnapped six members of the security forces in Chabwa, in the south of the country. This kind of incident would rarely happen.

The information was released Thursday by a security official from Yemen, according to several media, including Le Figaro. For six years, government forces have been in conflict with the rebels, and jihadist groups have taken advantage of this to take place in the territory.

Like other extremist movements, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (Aqpa) is also trying to take advantage of the security vacuum created by this war. Thursday, theterrorist organization allegedly kidnapped six members of the security forces in Chabwa (south).

These men were taken to the nearby area of ​​Al-Bayda. In recent years, however, this kind of incident has happened rarely, as theAl Qaeda had been severely weakened by setbacks. The war between the government and the Houthis is an opportunity for the group to resurface.

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