Home » today » News » Yellow zone for all of Italy from Monday 24, white zone for Friuli Venezia Giulia, Molise and Sardinia from 1 June – Corriere.it

Yellow zone for all of Italy from Monday 24, white zone for Friuli Venezia Giulia, Molise and Sardinia from 1 June – Corriere.it

Italy returns to yellow. The monitoring sent by the Regions and validated by the Higher Institute of Health shows a decidedly downward curve in the epidemic. And in the afternoon an ordinance from the ministry of health put the seal on the new map. Minister Speranza announced the signing of the provision in the evening. And so from Monday 24th Italy enters the lowest risk range that allows activities to be restarted.

Yellow zone for all of Italy from Monday

Today Italy will all be in the yellow area. the result of the measures taken so far, of the correct behavior of the vast majority of people and of the vaccination campaign. We continue on this path with trust, prudence and graduality, says the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza. An invitation that also looks to the next few weeks: already from 1 June in fact, three Regions (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Sardinia and Molise) they will begin to go to the white zone, quell’happy Island where all activities are open e there is no curfew, always keeping the mask and spacing.

The colors of the regions and the rules: the insights

The white area

The decree in force since May 18 establishes that from 1st June this date are in the white band Friuli Venezia Giulia, Molise and Sardinia. Only for this week it has been foreseen that entry into the lower risk range will take place on Tuesday, but not excluding the decision to bring forward to the previous day. June 7, then touch to Abruzzo, Veneto and Liguria e from 14 June Lombardy, Lazio and Umbria could also enter the yellow band if in the monitoring of May 28th they will have an incidence of 50 cases per hundred thousand (already now the three Regions oscillate between 90 and 70 cases). The indicators of the Ministry of Health then show a constant decrease of the incidence of new cases per 100 thousand inhabitants and the estimates assure that – if there is no surge due to the variants – in mid-June Italy could be predominantly white.

May 21, 2021 (change May 21, 2021 | 17:10)


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