The sixth edition of Treviso Yellow Festival it will take place in Treviso in the prestigious headquarters of the Santa Caterina Museum (P.tta M. Botter 1) and in the major cities of the Veneto – Venice, Mestre, Padua, Vicenza, Verona and Oderzo – from 21 to 24 March with a preview on the 29th February. Furthermore, thanks to Veneto noir some events will continue throughout the year, throughout the Region. The Festival is created in collaboration with the Municipality of Treviso which has supported the festival since the first edition, as well as the Veneto region.
Many prestigious guests are expected during the festival, from Gianrico Carofiglio a Tullio Avoledo, from Antonia Arslan to Donatella Di Pietrantonio, Anabel Hernández and Davide. Furthermore, the actors of the drama “MARE FUORI” Serena Codato are expectedalias Gemma and Francesco Panarellaaka Cucciolo, with the screenwriter Maurizio CaredduSaturday evening March 23, together with Francesca Nocerino del TG2.
The Treviso Giallo Festival is characterized by the peculiar scientific and interdisciplinary approach that distinguishes it at national and European level, and confirms the active collaboration with various Italian and foreign universities and cultural institutions, thanks to the commitment of the Scientific Committee, chaired by prof . Elvio Guagnini, Emeritus of the University of Trieste. Similarly to the first editions, the Festival will take place through different interaction formulas: round tables on specific sectors (espionage, economic crimes, mafias, Italian mysteries, environmental crimes, deviance, crimes in history), presentations of individual editorial news, film screenings, shows, performances, exhibitions and workshops for children with the involvement of schools and universities.
Always with the aim of enhancing literature as a civil commitment, one of the central themes of this edition will be that of fight against violence, particularly among young people and against women, and against hateful words on social media, with the participation of the association Beyond founded by the journalist Elisabetta Migliorellideputy director of TG2, ofCa’ Foscari University of Venice with the LEI project and the MIG Italian Movement for Kindness of which Lisa Marra she is ambassador for Veneto. The topic will also be addressed with 400 students.
Particular attention will also be given to economic crime, environmental crime, investigative journalism and education on legality. Among the round tables of this edition there will be the one to be held in Padua “Crimes and new technologies” with the participation of the prefect of Padua and the one in Treviso, accredited by the Order of Journalists of the Veneto, on “The evidential paradigm between detective stories, criminalistics and investigative journalism”.
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice will host a meeting dedicated to Simenon which will be included in the Third Mission, very important for sharing academic knowledge with all citizens. Also noteworthy are the meetings with two investigative journalists: Lucio Luca which he recently published The night of the Anti-Mafia. An Italian story of power, corruption and denied justice which addresses the thorny issue of the illegality of the anti-mafia, e Anabel Hernandez who, with great courage, carried out journalistic investigations against the Mexican bosses of global drug trafficking.

During the days of the Festival, in Oderzo, a series of activities dedicated to Alberto Martini on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of his death with meetings and workshops dedicated to him. The section is confirmed again this year Giallo Kids dedicated to children to introduce them to literature with readings and workshops.
The 2024 edition confirms the extension of the program also to the cities of Vicenza, Padua, Mestre, Venice, Verona, Oderzo (TV), Castelfranco Veneto (TV) involving bookshops, universities, museums and cultural foundations.
#Yellow #Treviso #Among #guests #Carofiglio #Pietrantonio #Antonia #Arslan
– 2024-04-03 18:41:04