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Yellow Paving Stones in Sofia May Require Another Repair, Report Says

Two months after the second rearrangement of the yellow paving stones in Sofia, another repair may be necessary. This is reported by the Metropolitan Municipality. The reason is the collapse and displacement of the flooring in places and the opening of joints.

The saga with the rearrangement of the yellow pavers began about a year ago. After the first repair, already in the first week, the flooring shifted. The municipality announced that a new rearrangement is coming. The second trial began in the summer and ended in September.

The repair of the yellow paving stones has been completed, traffic has been opened

A new technology was used – the pavers are sorted in advance, and metal profiles are laid every ten meters. However, the defects are already visible.

The former managers of GERB explained that the contractor company was not paid for the repairs in the affected section, and the new mayor may impose fines in the amount of BGN 5 million. They also recalled that the National Institute for Immovable Cultural Heritage did not approve the idea of ​​laying of resin in the joints and this is how we arrived at the technology with metal profiles.

“I have consulted with the experts and they are of the opinion that because of the rains and because of the traffic, there has been a collapse around the metal rails due to the settling of the sand. That’s why it’s good to think about a new option with resin and for each pave to have its own nest”, commented GERB-SDS municipal councilor Anton Hekimyan.

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The contractor company will be fined, said PP-DB (Save Sofia). However, there will be no new layering technology. “From 1906 until the repair of GERB, the pavers had not slipped. We have to specify exactly what needs to be done, most likely it will be necessary to remove the metal profiles, which are currently creating a problem for the pavement”, clarified the municipal councilor from PP-DB (Save Sofia) Stefan Spasov.

The opposition, represented by the BSP, demanded that the responsibility be assumed by the chief architect of Sofia, Zdravko Zdravkov. “They created testbeds several times, experimented, tried many technologies and chose this one. It is obviously not suitable, after two years we continue to talk about the yellow pavers”, said the municipal councilor from “BSP for Bulgaria” Ivan Peshev.

The contractor company “Trace” stated that they were only the contractors of the project and followed the tasks of the municipality.

2023-11-25 10:52:18

#REPAIRS #repair #yellow #pavers

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