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Yellow Fungal Infection Commonly Found in Reptiles, Now Experiencing Humans

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, NEW DELHI – After several states in India reported finding cases of black and white fungus, there was also the first case of ‘yellow fungus’ in a hospital in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.

The patient is a resident of Sanjay Nagar who is being treated at Harsh Hospital, Ghaziabad.

He not only suffers from yellow fungus, but also black and white fungus.

Black fungus infection or Mucormycosis has so far been recorded for survivors and patients infected with the corona virus (Covid-19).

So what are the symptoms experienced by those who are infected with yellow fungus?

Also read: After Black Fungus and White Fungus, Now Yellow Fungal Infection Appears in India

Quoted from the page One India, Thursday (27/5/2021), yellow mushroom is one type of fungus that causes superficial mycoses.

This disease usually attacks domestic and wild animals, especially reptiles.

Symptoms of some fungal diseases do look similar to Covid-19, including fever, cough and shortness of breath.

However, this yellow yeast infection also causes other symptoms such as disturbed digestion, lack of energy, lethargy and fatigue.

Then the next symptom is necrosis which can cause sufferers to lose their appetite if they are in a severe condition, malnutrition.

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