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Yeferson Cossio’s sister rejected Westcol in full broadcast

Westcol and Gisela Castaño (who is just beginning to create content for digital platforms) staged a virtual meeting that caused a stir on social networks. The rumor of a supposed romance between the two paisas was the main topic of the conversation, which became tense and direct at times.

Live broadcasts are part of everyday life for streamers and influencers, who spend hours in front of their computer broadcasting content that engages their audience. In this case, Westcol and Gisela Castaño met in a live conversation, in which they discussed rumors of a relationship between the two.

Gisela Castaño, younger sister of the content creators Cintia and Yeferson Cossio, was very clear in her response when asked by Westcol about her current sentimental situation: “I’m not married, but I’m not in order either.” WestCol, for its part, felt alluded to and responded with surprise at the influencer’s response.

The tension increased when Westcol expressed his interest in Gisela and asked her not to treat him that way so quickly. She, however, was forceful in her response and clarified that there was no possibility of a sentimental relationship between them: “I am not treating you in any way, but I am being direct, I know you are not asking me to marry you, but I am clear” .

The virtual meeting generated a large number of comments on social networks, which speculated about Westcol’s intentions and discussed the possibility of a relationship between the two paisas. The conversation was seen by thousands of people and became a topic of discussion on different Instagram profiles that replicated the video in which the clear rejection of Yeferson Cossio’s sister is seen.

This type of situation is not new in the Westcol universe, since the man from Antioquia has been the protagonist of several scandals for leaving homophobic and regionalist opinions, with which he has generated a large number of reactions from several Internet users, who have tried to close their profiles by reporting it right there.

The meeting between Westcol and Gisela Castaño generated great expectations and tension among their followers. The conversation was direct, forceful and clear, so any imaginary of the content creator of belonging to the Cossio family seemed to vanish in this clip.

Through his TikTok account, the popular Colombian streamer Westcol showed the damage suffered by his car, the one that he had undergone modifications to make it look the same as Lightning McQueen from the Disney and Pixar movie, Cars, after it was seen involved in a traffic accident. According to what he himself revealed, he decided to lend the car to one of his friends, and it would have been the latter who had crashed it.

“Hey! We lend the car to a partner and look what just happened. Sad. No. My cart (…) All the people are fine. The car is in shit, I did not have this car with insurance because I use it very occasionally, but hey, the important thing is that it was damaged materially, “he commented when talking about the incident he had in the Mustang .

“We already got used to laughing even at our own misfortunes and moving on. Life is one, the material recovers, better things come, better things always come, I assure you, ”said the considered star of Twich Colombia. with Infobae

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