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Years 60 to the rhythm of the 3 South Americans | Radio Tarancón

Tarancon already warms up engines for the 60s party. Programming has started this Friday with the children’s parade from the 60s. This is only the start of the second carnival weekend in Tarancón with the Yé-Yé party on Saturday as the main character.

The 3 South Americans

Songs like “Perez told me “,” La Felicidad “or” Cartagenera “ of the musical group The 3 South Americans They will ring in streets and hotel establishments of the city. A group that devastated Spain since the 1960s and now decided to move his place of residence to Tarancón, where Alma María Vaesken and Johnny Torales have a daughter residing for 12 years, which has brought them to the municipality.

As Alma assures, it is a pride for them that a city like Tarancón continues to listen to their songs several decades later that they came to light. In addition, it ensures that They already have several contracts closed in Spain for next summer. For his part, Johnny highlights that what they like most about the municipality is the sympathy of the residents of Tarancón and the great reception they have given them.

Listen to the interview here:

Listen to Interview with Alma María Vaesken and Johnny Torales, from the music group “Los 3 Sudamericanos” on Play SER

60’s Party

Refering to programming of the weekend, in the morning of Saturday will take place on traditional market of the 60s in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento (from 12pm to 4pm) with exhibition of vehicles of the time, sixties bus and “food truck”, included.

On the other hand, from the 12 noon there will also be a guateque in Zapatería street with performances and dancing. Finally, the sixties programming will conclude with the traditional night parade of classic vehicles on Av. Miguel de Cervantes. And to the 11 at night from the Public Works Roundabout, in the city center, the parade with bus from the 60s for all attendees.

Carnival programming will end this Sunday at 5 in the afternoon with the traditional parade of floats and troupes of the domingo of piñata with a twenty groups from municipalities like Tarancón, Villamayor de Santiago, Fuentidueña de Tajo or Valdaracete.

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