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Year-End Astronomical Phenomenon, Enjoying the Moon-Mars-Antares Conjunction

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

2021 is coming to an end, but still time to enjoy some astronomical phenomenon which will happen before the turn of the year.

Reported from site According to the official National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN-BRIN), there are seven astronomical phenomena that occur at the end of the year or in the fourth week of December, as follows:

1. Peak Ursid Meteor Shower (December 23)

The Ursid Meteor Shower is a meteor shower whose radians or points of appearance of meteors are located in the constellation Ursa Minor.

This meteor shower takes place on December 17 to 26, the peak occurs on December 23.

Observers in Indonesia can see the peak of this phenomenon before sunrise, precisely from 01.00 WIB until 25 minutes before the sun appears.

This meteor shower occurs with an intensity of 0.9 to 2.8 meteors per hour for the territory of Indonesia.

2. Longest Synodic Day (26 December)

The synodic day or solar day is the time interval measured from the culmination of the sun to the culmination of the next sun. Culmination itself is a phenomenon when the Sun is at its highest point in the sky.

Synodic days vary between 23 hours 59 minutes 58 seconds lasting on September 18, to 24 hours 00 minutes 30 seconds lasting on December 26.

3. Phases of the Late New Moon (December 27)

The final neem phase is one of the phases of the Moon when the positions of the Sun, Earth, and Moon form a right angle or an angle of 90 degrees.

The phenomenon that occurs after the full moon phase reaches its peak at 09.23.48 WIB.

At the time of this phenomenon, the Moon will be 380,781 kilometers from Earth and in the vicinity of the constellation Virgo.

4. Mars-Antares conjunction (27-28 December)

Mars or often called the red planet in conjunction with Antares, the main star in the constellation of Scorpions starting on December 27 at 16:15 WIB.

This phenomenon occurred for two consecutive days, namely on 27 and 28 December.

However, because the positions of Mars and Antares are still below the horizon at the peak of conjunction, this phenomenon can only be witnessed in the morning, from 04.30 to 25 minutes before dawn.

5. Mercury-Venus Conjunction (December 29)

Mercury will experience conjunction with Venus on December 29 at 17:34 WIB.

This phenomenon can be seen starting from the beginning of twilight or about 25 minutes before sunset for an hour.

The conjunction of the two planets closest to the Sun occurs about once every 145 days. This year this phenomenon occurred on May 29 and August 19.

6. Occultation of Mars by the Moon (December 31)

Occultation of Mars by the Moon is an astronomical phenomenon when Mars passes behind the Moon so that it appears to be covered by the Moon.

This can happen because Mars is farther from Earth than the Moon is to Earth.

This phenomenon will occur on December 31 globally and last for three hours starting at 18:23 to 21:23 Universal Time.

This phenomenon can only be seen in parts of Australia that have entered the night time.

7. Moon-Mars-Antares Triple Conjunction (December 31-January 1)

Regions that do not experience Mars occlusion by the Moon are said to have triple conjunctions, namely the Moon, Mars, and the star Antares.

This phenomenon can be seen for two consecutive days on December 31 and January 1 from 04.30 local time until 25 minutes before sunrise.

(lnn / fea)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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