Home » today » World » Yannis Mantzouranis: Great tolerance was given to S. Kasselakis – Unfit to lead any democratic party (Video) – 2024-09-27 05:54:52

Yannis Mantzouranis: Great tolerance was given to S. Kasselakis – Unfit to lead any democratic party (Video) – 2024-09-27 05:54:52

Yannis Mantzouranis, a member of the Central Committee of SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance, mentioned the developments in the main opposition party, speaking to ERTNews and the News Room show.

As Mr. Mantzouranis pointed out: “Mr. Kasselakis could not compose for 11 months, because he will be able to in the 12th or 18th. Of course I supported him, not personally as a person, because I didn’t know him, I supported him as the choice of the great majority of the members who voted and I saw a new man, and whoever else came out I would support him because he was the choice of the members of the democratic majority and the base.

I saw a man who was young, educated, well educated, because education is completely different from education. Educated, I know he graduated from a very good American university, Pennsylvania did an excellent master’s degree. These are evidence that he has a good education. Whether someone has a good education. it is more than education.

To see it, you have to meet him, talk to him. I don’t have that ability, so I’m not saying what he has or what he doesn’t have. I saw a young man who had an appetite, he had an enormous gift of communication. This was immediately apparent from his election campaign and I thought he would have the intelligence to sit down and learn first of all the political history of our country.

Secondly, the history of the party of which he was elected president, because he led it for eleven months.
Because he did not enter a historical void, a time and space void. He joined a party with a course good, bad, a specific course and also that he would have the patience to learn a little about how the Greeks live. Because his experiences from his life abroad were not helping him.

I thought that a man would make those three, the three choices, and he could indeed be an effective leader of the opposition. To the 11 who passed and who was well tolerated by so many of us.

I also consider myself a little bit wrong, I gave more time than I should have. I should have reacted long before, because he had given samples, he had given writing samples. And I came to the conclusion that he is unfit by nature to lead not a left-wing democratic party, such as SYRIZA, but any democratic one.”

He did not convene the organs

Continuing, he commented: “Why do people want him? People have a repulsion from parties and party officials and party bureaucracies and not unjustified. And Mr. Kasselakis does not have much to do with these bureaucracies, so he expresses something that the world was looking for and is still looking for. After all, you will see that he has lost a lot since his appeal in the first elections 11 months ago he got 46% and now at best the polls give him 30%…

The side of those who disagree with Mr. Kasselakis’s political stance and political course have declared to the Central Committee and I personally have declared that whoever comes out, if the elections are held smoothly, without any backlash, I will remain in SYRIZA, but without a white check.
We will not choose a monarch, an absolute monarch, but a democratic president.
What does this mean?
That he will respect the statute.
That he will respect democratic processes.
That he will not incriminate every other critical voice or dissent.

In fact, none of the presidents of SYRIZA to date have been held hostage. Neither Alavanos, nor Tsipras, nor Mr. Kaselakis. Mr. Kasselakis probably did what he wanted, he did not call the instruments together, he said one thing, the other the other.

I will tell you something. I was on the Statute Committee, which did not meet for two months at all.
Throughout July and August it did not meet at all, it did not convene. Three days before the deadline to submit our proposals to the Central Committee. Mr. Kasselakis appeared as 5 10 minutes. He told us that he gives us thoughts, not suggestions, and he showed us that here. This A4. Only this.

But what is contained in it? So, what does he say over here? 30% of the candidate MPs and MEPs are chosen by the president. Do you know any democratic party that does this?

Second, the Chairman of the party is also the chairman of the disciplinary committee, and the members of the disciplinary committee are the Chairman, the party secretary, the deputy secretary, a member of the Central Committee who is drawn by lottery, and a member of the Central Committee who is chosen by the defendant. This is unthinkable. A person-centered party.

Fortunately, none of that happened. They even reacted with a kiss close to him. Look at the basic responsibility to find partners and to have effective cooperation is with the President, the Chief, the first, if he wanted, he could find, as he has found several to date and MPs and officials who support him, now if he found one side and he didn’t use some others, it’s his choice.

Because he comes out every now and then and complains like a little kid I was undermined from the start.
They didn’t help me each other. This reminds me of the kids at school who used to leave and go to their mom and say mom the other kids don’t play with me.
These are not serious things. The leader of a party cannot appear as a complainant.
They undermine him, he confronts them and wins them over.

You want us to say what Konstantinos Mitsotakis did when Kanellopoulos, Evert and Dimas undermined him.
Do you want us to say what Tsipras did when Tsakalotos and Skourletis undermined him? Everyone was undermined, they didn’t come out and complain that I failed because they didn’t help me. Because they made me a nanny.”

Pothen Esches

Afterwards, Mr. Mantzouranis said: “I cannot understand why the friends of Mr. Kasselakis are reacting to the testimony of Mr. Kasselakis’ whereabouts. This provision does not concern Mr. Kasselakis, because Mr. Kasselakis also produced an XL in Thessaloniki.
But he has also filed a report with the Audit Committee of the Parliament, so the man does not have a problem.
He will take a copy from the platform he has filed and bring it. The others will do the same, Polakis and whoever else is a candidate

The others who do not have a deposit obligation what do we say? They should also make a copy of the form submitted by those who are obliged to fill in the information and submit it and post it on i-SYRIZA for reasons of publicity and transparency. There’s not going to be a check, and we’re not going to ban someone if they have a problem, because we can’t technically check the truth.”

For A. Tsipras

Look, Mr. Tsipras, as you know, is the historical leader who got a party from 3 4%., As a result. He did it 12, he did it 18 -20 I don’t remember and then he did it 35, then 31 and a half and then 17 -18. Then it started. Yes. And then?

So he has a vested interest in his party. So he can monitor and worry about the developments of SYRIZA, which are indeed not just worrying, SYRIZA is currently going through an existential crisis.
SYRIZA may be dissolved in its entirety if this situation continues.
If we don’t find a solution, if we don’t agree on the basic foundation of democracy, we agree that we can disagree and let the majority decide.

Mr. Kaselakis cannot run for president and at the same time say I am president.
If he is president, he does not need to be a candidate. We are going to the extraordinary congress to announce presidential candidates. And also the extraordinary conference will not deal with the decision of the Central Committee, which is absolutely legal, provided in article 16 and 20 of the statute.

In Parliament, when a party raises the question of the unconstitutionality of a law, it is not decided by a court.
Parliament and the party do not decide for the people either. The Central Committee has the role of the Parliament.
We have therefore decided that impeachment, censure and impeachment are fully in accordance with the statute.”

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#Yannis #Mantzouranis #Great #tolerance #Kasselakis #Unfit #lead #democratic #party #Video

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