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Yang Qirui’s ink exhibition and installation work “Ink” integrates “Sculpture” – Hangzhou News Center-Hangzhou Net

Yang Qirui Ink Painting and Installation Exhibition “Ink Painting” Fusion “Sculpture” Exhibition

Hangzhou Web Release time: 2024-08-04 12:38

At the Ningbo Art Museum, an exhibition of ink paintings and installation work by artist Yang Qirui is underway. With the theme “Ink·Che”, the exhibition aims to showcase Yang Qirui’s new masterpieces. In addition to his famous figurative sculptures and public art creations, Yang Qirui has been actively involved in the fields of experimental ink and abstract art since the mid-1990s.

“Ink” and “Che” in the theme of the exhibition respectively represent the two interfaced and integrated endpoints of “ink” and “image” in the artist’s creative career, showing how it is developed on spatial centers in experimental ink.

Yang Qirui has been the dean of the School of Visual Arts, the dean of the School of Public Art, and the first dean of the School of Sculpture and Public Art at the Chinese Academy of Arts. His early work experience at the Henan Provincial Museum exposed him to a large number of antiquities, especially bronze sculptures and inscriptions. In 1988, he skillfully combined ancient Chinese characters with post-World War II Western abstract sculptures in his sculpture series Chinese characters, becoming one of the pioneers of avant art -Chinese garde. His study tour in Europe in the mid-1990s made him more aware of the value of his cultural identity, and he began to explore the innovation of ink painting, attempting to remove calligraphy his connection with modern painting in the West.

Until now, sculpture, spatial installation and abstract ink have been developed at the same time as Yang Qirui’s artistic career and continue to this day. In his latest creation, Yang Qirui relied on his profound artistic achievements and keen intuition to combine the spatial feeling of sculpture with ink touch to create a new way to express spatial ink , allowing viewers not only to consider the works, but also You can. also participate dynamically in the interaction of works through physical intervention.

Source: Metropolis Express Author: Reporter Yu Xiwen Editor: Gao Tingting

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